A Critical Analysis of the Tenet Per Incuriam

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The Black's Law Dictionary (Fourth Edition, 1891) states that per incuriam implies 'through coincidence'. The word 'incuria' truly signifies 'careless behavior'. The indication of the precept of per incuriam is that a decision ought to be treated as given per incuriam when it is given in numbness of the provisions of a rule, or of a standard having the power of a rule. '

'Peri innacuriam' signifies 'through the need of care'; a choice of the court which is mixed up. A choice of the court is not a coupling point of reference whenever given per incuriam, that is, without the Court's consideration having been attracted to the pertinent specialists or rules.

The 'per incuriam' rule is carefully and effectively relevant to the ratio decidendi and not to obiter dicta. A significant admonition that is required to be borne at the top of the priority list consistently is that the nonreference of prior choices in the judgment doesn't demonstrate the non-consideration of those cases in the judgment.

When Can a Decision/Judgment be Stated as ‘Per Incuriam’?

If any provision in a resolution, rule or guideline, which was not brought to the court’s notice then a decision/judgment can be stated as ‘per incuriam’. A decision/judgement can likewise be per incuriam in the event that it is unimaginable to expect to accommodate its proportion with that of a recently articulated judgment of a corresponding or bigger bench; or if a High Court's decision doesn't align with the perspectives of the Supreme Court.

It is a settled standard that if a decision has been given per incuriam the court can disregard it. In Halsbury’s Laws of England (4th Edn.) Vol. 26: Judgment and Orders: Judicial Decisions as Authorities (pp. 297-98, para 578) per incuriam has been elucidated as under:

“A decision is given per incuriam when the court has acted in ignorance of a previous decision of its own or of a court of coordinate jurisdiction which covered the case before it, in which case it must decide which case to follow (Young v. Bristol Aeroplane Co. Ltd., 1944 KB 718 at 729 : (1944) 2 All ER 293 at 300.In Buta Singh v. Association of India, it was held that when a two-judge bench without considering or disregarding the binding decision of a three-judge bench renders a judgment then, at that point such a decision can be stated as per incuriam. 

Also, on account of K.H. Siraj v. High Court of Kerala, it was held that when a decision is rendered by the High Court without having respect to the applicable line of decisions rendered by the Supreme Court, at that point such judgment or decision of the High Court is per incuriam. 

On account of, Punjab Land Development and Reclamation Corporation Ltd. v. Managing Officer, Labor Court (Chandigarh) , it was held that, the issue of judgment per incuriam when it really emerges should exhibit no trouble as the Supreme Court of India can set out the law once again, if at least two of its previous decisions can't stand together.

It is essential to take note of that, the non-thought of an insignificant arrangement can't settle on the proportion of the decision per incuriam. Lastly, on account of, Fuerst Day Lawson Ltd. v. Jindal Exports Ltd, it was held that, except if it is a glaring instance of prominent oversight, it isn't alluring to rely upon the standard of judgment per incuriam; it must be demonstrated that some portion of the decision depended on a certifiably off-base thinking, for the application of the rule of per incuriam.

In this manner, a request conveyed without contention, without reference to the pertinent arrangements of the Act and with no reference of power as per incuriam. 

Can a 'Per Incuriam' Decision Work as 'Res Judicata'? 

Per incuriam decisions are those decisions which don't express the law effectively and consequently are not to be followed. For the situation of, Union of India v. Indian Railway SAS Staff Association, it was held that 'per incuriam' decision does not work as res judicata. 

Can a 'Per Incuriam' Decision Work as a Point of Reference or Precedent? 

On account of, Hyder Consulting (U.K.) Ltd. v. Territory of Orissa, it was held that an earlier choice of the Supreme Court on indistinguishable actualities and law ties the court on similar purposes of law in a later case. In remarkable conditions, where inferable from clear incident or oversight, a judgment neglects to see a plain statutory arrangement or mandatory position running counter to the reasoning and result came to, the rule of per incuriam may apply.

On account of, State of Assam v. Ripa Sarma, it was held that a judgment rendered in obliviousness of previous decisions of the bench of the same quality would render the equivalent per incuriam, and along these lines, such a judgment won't be raised to the status of point of reference or precedent.

Furthermore. on account of State of M.P. v. Narmada Bachao Andolan, it was held that, the courts have built up the standard of per incuriam in unwinding of the standard of "stare decisis"; in this manner, the "quotable in law" is maintained a strategic distance from and disregarded if it is rendered in numbness of a resolution or other restricting position.

Additionally on account of Central Board of Dawoodi Bohra Community v. Territory of Maharashtra, it was held that a decision making a particular reference to a prior restricting point of reference could conceivably be right yet it can't be said to be per incuriam. 

In conclusion, on account of, Chauharya Tripathi and Ors v. L.I.C. of India and Ors, it was held that there can be no quibble over the suggestion that once a judgment has been announced per incuriam, it doesn't have the precedential worth. Notwithstanding, it is important that, on account of, Mukesh K. Tripathi v. L.I.C., it was held that, despite the fact that a case might not have been explicitly over-controlled however once it has been held that it has been rendered per incuriam, it can't be said that it sets down good law. 

The Doctrine of 'Per Incuriam' and Judicial Discipline

On account of, Jai Singh v. M.C.D., it was held that, legal control and legitimacy requests that, there ought to be consistency in the perspectives as regards the decision rendered by same seats on a similar issue; nonetheless, resulting seat is to pursue the choice rendered by the previous co-ordinate seat, aside from convincing conditions, for example, where the request for the prior bench can be said to be per incuriam.

Further on account of, U.P. Power Corporation Ltd. v. Rajesh Kumar, it was held that it is the obligation of the court to recognize the way that, a judgment which mistakenly acknowledges or translates a binding point of reference isn't per incuriam. 

It is essential to observe the proportion set down on account of, K.G. Derasari v. Association of this India. For this situation, the Supreme Court of India completely saw that, if the council has not investigated past decisions of the Supreme Court, which is the rule that everyone must follow and by which it was bound, the remedy accessible to the wronged individual was to record an application for review. 

On account of Chandra Prakash v. Province of U.P., it was held that in case a two-judge bench criticizes the decision rendered by a three-judge bench, at that point, all things considered, the two-judge bench must limit itself from alluding the issue to the Constitution Bench, as legal order and respectability as additionally the doctrine of binding precedents requests that a two-judge bench must pursue the decision given by a three-judge bench. 

Referring to Per Incuriam Choices at Bar

On account of, State of Orissa v. Nalinikanta Muduli, the Supreme Court of India descending vigorously on the individuals from the bar, took event to express that, advocates are officials of the court and they have a bound obligation to help the court and not to delude it.

Referring to an over-ruled decision under the watchful eye of a court without unveiling the way that it has been over-administered involves grave concern and the falling standards of the advocates referring to over-ruled decision at the Bar has turned into a frightful reality, which should be checked ahead of schedule as it could be expected under the circumstances. 


From the above examination and critical analysis, we conclude: 

1. Rule of Res Judicata doesn't matter to decisions given as Per Incuriam. 

2. Decisions given per incuriam don't have any presedential worth. 

3. On the off chance that 'Case A' didn't consider a binding decision for example 'Case B', however considered another case for example 'Case C', which had recognized the said binding point of reference i.e 'Case B', in such a case, the view taken in 'Case A' can't be said to be per incuriam. 

4. At the point when no important arrangement of the Constitution or any resolution is left out for thought as in respect to a judgment conveyed, at that point, in such a case, the judgment conveyed, can't be termed to be per incuriam.

Written by - Max Croson

Edited by - Arnav Mehra