7 Signs to Ensure Harmony With Others

In general, I do not like these titles (10 things that will change your life, 6 things that mean that a woman loves you, 18 indicators that mean that you should quit your job, 147 steps to make you rich, 2643 steps to make your husband love you, etc.)

Because life is bigger and more complex, especially in relationships, so I made sure to explain this to you before reading this short article, to know that I am talking about 7 general and accurate indicators at the same time, and I cannot and no one can limit any relationship to seven enumerations, with the assurance that you will find something useful.

Harmony is perhaps the most important factor for compatibility in any relationship. We mean by agreement, meaning that both parties have a great opportunity to have a satisfactory and effective relationship.

And being in a relationship in harmony with the other does not mean that you both enjoy being together, or that you are happy to meet, for example, physical needs or joint work, but rather it is related to more subtle matters, and these are some of the most important indicators:

Indicators of Harmony 

1. Distribution of Roles and Responsibilities

The distribution of roles and responsibilities is very important. What each must do is smooth and easy. Because that builds relationship understandings in a spontaneous way without a long discussion or complicated explanation. After a while, you discover that there are many things agreed upon between you. All these things will create a good relationship and harmony between the two parties.

Also, joint responsibility makes harmony between the two parties easier. Life by its very nature goes through many turns. Therefore, individual responsibility causes exhaustion. While shared responsibility makes individuals more harmonious.

2. Discussion About How to Manage the Relationship

Many believe that lengthy discussions about how to manage a relationship are a mistake. On the contrary, discussions about the relationship between the two parties facilitate dealing between them. On the other hand, the abundance of rules is a sign of incompatibility.

To manage the relationship between people, the discussion should be positive and prolonged. Where after a period the relationship begins to grow and develop, and the harmony between the two parties becomes more than what it was in the beginning.

3. Amending the Rules

It is interesting that some of us like to abide by the rules. But we must not forget that human beings make the rules. Also, it is possible that changing the rules leads to a better life. In addition, changing the rules is not a difficult or complicated issue. Rather, it sometimes takes place without discussion because of how you feel and notice each other.

4. Differences Should Be Respected

There may be some people who agree on most issues. But that does not mean that we should all agree. The mentality of each of us is characterized by something different from the other. The essence of the matter is that the success of the relationship governs the spirit of acceptance. So, the bickering and sensitivity should not be prolonged, give it less energy than it deserves, and seek excuses for each other without feeling much pressure.

5. Feeling Satisfied

Accepting others despite their mistakes is a very difficult issue. But this thing is normal and acceptable when there is harmony between the two parties. For example, friends usually tend to get along with each other based on their knowledge of their friends' faults and faults, but they accept them because of harmony. In another way, "you have a satisfactory relationship in the worst case and remain acceptable and tolerable."

6. Spontaneous Respect

I do not know why I chose this particular term, but it means, in short, your feeling of respect for the other, not all of it comes with your will, determination, and self-control, even if this is a very good thing, but you feel that you have something light inside you that easily pushes you to respect him, especially in difficult situations.

7. Some Compatibility

I do not mean intellectual congruence; it is not possible. You both have many important ideas on the one hand. On the other hand, the ideas of the other who are different, new, or alien to you are either complementary to your thoughts or something you are open and curious about, or something that can be negotiated and tolerated in the worst cases.

 Read more: Principals That Can Help You to Find Harmony 

The Beauty of the Difference

Dr. Hossein Al-Khuzai, a professor of sociology, "stressed that what is important is that we love each other and not be deceived by appearances whatsoever. Al-Khuzai indicated that the difference in relationships and attributes can enrich our feelings and emotions and make us in a better position than being driven by a single color and specific choice."

He added that the relationships that bind people to each other should not be within a specific template that is compatible with the nature and personality of their owners, such as forcing one of them on the other to follow the same behavioural approach and imitate him in all his special qualities, and if the second party does not respond to him, he breaks the relationship.

He added that each person has his own nature, and some may find that what others see as defects in the qualities of some are for them positive qualities, and that is why we must accept the other as he is and not as we want him to be.


Once again, these indicators are general and not based on mathematical equations, that is, things can happen in a relationship that appears as a sign of disharmony, but the general context of the relationship is a harmonious and good context.

Harmony is one of the important things that we think about when we want to know the compatibility with the other party, there are many other things public or personal, often in relationships are thought of unconsciously and spontaneously as a feeling, and experts advise to think about it louder, to become effective and effective and organized.

Read about: Find Your Own Harmony

Written By - Mr. Hassan

Edited By - Pavas Shrigyan