5 Inspiring Quotes from the Bestseller: Tuesdays with Morrie


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We all face difficult times in life, no matter how we try to avoid them. I remember being in a gloomy and melancholic mood one day when I started reading this beautiful book. It served as a beacon of light to me amid these dark days and I got glued to it ever since. 

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ is a heart-warming creation by Mitch Albom that talks about living life in a meaningful way. It focuses on the lessons and anecdotes shared by the author’s beloved Professor Morrie Schwartz during his final stages while battling against a dreadful disease.

The book is a benign depiction of the relationship between a teacher and his student who get re-connected after several years. Mitch visits the old Professor every Tuesday and recalls his valuable experiences. He takes us through his college days at Brandeis University where Schwartz taught Sociology lessons.  Morrie resumes his role as a coach in the author’s life who lost track of his mentor after graduation though this time the lessons are more about life than academics. 

Not only does the book bestow upon us the wisdom of an old man who has seen the highs and lows of life but also strikes a chord emotionally. For all of us who have been swamped with hectic routines and monotonous work schedules, Tuesdays with Morrie is a perfect respite. 

Here are some of the quotes by Morrie that resonated with me the most:


“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”

Morrie made me realize the importance of radiating happiness and love around each other. He advises against allowing our own reluctance and self-inflation to prevent us from loving others. It is not as difficult as it seems. Sometimes, we are lured by materialistic possessions to an extent that makes us neglect the essence of treating people with warmth. However, Morrie reminds us that there is no substitute for love. It is a tender feeling that families or human relations are built upon and a factor that distinguishes human beings from the rest of the creatures.


“Don’t cling to things because everything is impermanent.”

In a world of hustle and bustle, it takes harsh realities to wake us out of our reverie. We spend hours and years in finding the right job, the dream car, the majestic house, and such valuable assets. We are busy doing things that have trivial or no importance. Little do we realize that the paraphernalia we strive for or the reputation we reach for mean nothing in the end for everything is transitory. What is most meaningful is how we spend time with loved ones and appreciate being alive. 


“Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others.”

While discussing forgiveness, Morrie recalls a story about his old friend Norman who never contacted him even when Morrie’s wife Charlotte underwent a serious operation. Norman apologized after the incident and tried to reconcile. However, the remorse of not having forgiven him distressed Morrie after Norman’s death. That is when he advocated about making peace with ourselves and the ones around us. Only when you forgive yourself for all the mistakes committed will you be able to accept your identity. There is no point in holding grudges or vengeance. Forgiveness teaches us to make things right instead of letting our minds linger in the wrong ones. 


“Accept who you are; and revel in it.”

In spite of being afflicted by an incurable disease, Morrie chose to embrace his present. He never threw himself in a pool of self-pity. He accepted his impotency and let others care for him. Like him, we too are put in situations that make us hate ourselves or question our own competencies. The biggest lesson is to never underestimate yourself for you are capable of achieving wonders. Once you accept yourself, you enter into a state of contentment and it becomes easy to accept others. Nobody is perfect. Nobody is flawless. The sooner you accept imperfections, the more gratified you are.


“Death ends a life, not a relationship.”

Most of us must have had questions like what happens after we die or if death is the end of everything. How terrible it is to no longer be able to see that person, sit beside him, hear his voice, seek a conversation, or get hugged by him. Well, Morrie has an interesting perspective on death. He says, “All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.” He believes that even though they are no longer with us, they continue to influence and shape our lives in profound ways. It is important to know that just because someone is not physically present with us does not mean they are no longer with us at all. They exist in the form of their virtues and vivid memories that keep us connected.


Morrie’s desire to spread joy even while succumbing to a deadly illness is truly inspiring. I am sure his teachings will reverberate in my mind at life’s every juncture. This has definitely become one of those books I will read over and over again to extract the most of it.

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’ is a beautifully crafted masterpiece and a must-read for people finding a purpose in life. It is a book that unknowingly enlightens you about bare pleasures and leaves an indelible mark in your heart.


Written by – Aishwarya Khandekar

Edited by – Daity Talukdar