Addiction: There's More to It Than Just Drugs

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Addiction and it is also called habituation, which is a psychological and behavioral situation on the human being, and makes him want to do something to achieve psychological comfort, such as getting used to eating a certain food permanently, or frequent hand washing, and others.

Another factor that affects addiction. It can be the general concept of addiction by getting used to taking extra doses of certain drugs, or types of herbs that contain narcotic substances or drinking large amounts of alcoholic substances, and this is what leads to turning addiction into a severe disease, pushing the person to do anything.

To achieve the mental and psychological comfort he wants from addiction, and upon delay in treating the addict, this may result in the development of his illness, which leads to his death.

Causes of addiction

There is a lot of causes that lead to addiction. For example:

  • Psychological reasons: They are the main reasons that contribute to directing human behavior towards addiction. Usually, people resort to an addiction to something. Because he finds psychological comfort in dealing with him, and that he gives him all the reasons for happiness, for example, some children are addicted to electronic games, and they sit for long hours in front of computers, which leads to many diseases, among which the most important are obesity, as well as examples of addiction, taking doses Excess sleep drugs, or substances that calm the nerves, especially when experiencing a problem during the day.
  • Take medications and prescription drugs: It is considered one of the causes of drug addiction as a result of taking drugs and medicinal drugs outside the medical supervision such as analgesics and sedatives, and that occurs a type of psychological and physical dependence that reaches the addiction stage, and in other times the person may be taking these drugs with a medical prescription to treat disease and out of the framework that is prescribed for it to reach a stage Addiction.
  • Family problems: “I don't care about you”, “I hate you”. If you tell your son those words or there are problems with your wife, you are pushing him to drugs, given that ill-treatment and lack of interest creates a vacuum and sadness inside him that causes him to fill that vacuum and separate from the bad reality that He lives and searches for a caring hand that makes him feel happy and finds it only in the drug. These problems are the most common causes of drug addiction among addicts, especially adolescents.
  • Cultural reasons: They are the reasons that relate to societies, the nature of his view of addiction, and the definition of addiction by peoples. In some countries, addiction is an ordinary thing, and it is considered one of the customs and popular traditions, especially addiction to smoke some types of narcotic herbs

Addiction effect

Addiction generally harms all addicted individuals, then on their families, and on their society in general, which leads to the spread of diseases, and dependence on illegal means for obtaining substances that lead to addiction, such as stealing, or murders, which are directly related to Cases of drug addiction.

Addiction also leads to negative effects on society such as the destruction of the family, the loss of family members, especially when the parent is addicted, so his only goal is to achieve his happiness, regardless of the happiness of his family, and also neglects his main role in the family, which depends on providing him with a decent life for them, And he turns from a breadwinner to a family dependent on his wife and children for providing addiction factors.

Beating addiction

For the addict to get rid of the addiction, whatever its type or nature, the following matters must be applied:
  • Personal desire to get rid of the addiction, which is one of the most important aids, and the first step in getting rid of it.
  • Obtaining support and moral stimulation, which contributes significantly to getting rid of the addiction, especially in cases of addiction that do not need continuous medical intervention, such as food addiction.

How to avoid the causes of drug addiction?

Because the prevention of the problem remains better than its treatment, the search for the causes of drug abuse and treatment since the beginning of their occurrence protects you from entering into the maze of dark addiction and slipping into that path and the consequent collapse that extends all aspects of life and this is done through:

  • Educating children about the harm of drugs: In adolescence, children are born with the love of experience and discovering everything ambiguous, besides ignorance of the consequences of the harm of those experiences, so drug awareness and its damage remove from the ambiguity of this hidden world when the children and therefore do not resort to experience it and they have a psychological barrier against drugs and they turn away from it automatically.
  • Treatment of psychological illness: because psychological illnesses such as depression, tension, and PTSD are one of the biggest causes of drugs, seeking medical help and treatment from them becomes an urgent necessity not only to get rid of them but to avoid a moment of weakness that leads you to take drugs and enter the maze of addiction.
  • Not taking medications outside medical supervision: Whatever advice you hear from a friend about the benefits of this house and its ability to give you rest, we warn you against paying it so that laboratory centers cannot accredit addiction to it, so taking medications and medical drugs must be under medical supervision and in specific doses for certain periods, besides that The doctor selects the medicine according to the health condition and what diseases it suffers from, so it does not cause complications.

In the end, I would just like to say that addiction is not a thing that you can't get rid of, you only should have the determination to deal with it.

- Written by Ahmed Mohamed (EMN Community Member From Egypt)

- Edited by Mridul Goyal (EMN Community Member From New Delhi, India)