The Transition of Life From a School to a College

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                                   "Whatever we want, we don't get

                                    Whatever we get, we don't enjoy

                                    Whatever we enjoy is not permanent

                                    Whatever is permanent is boring."


Sometimes life brings you at such a crossroad that you think if I get to choose this road, I will be a champion but if I get to choose the other one, it might result in a significant difference. There is such a juncture when one completes high school education and progresses to decide a stream to pursue graduation.


What Is This Tectonic Change?

A college offers a completely different and unique ambiance when compared to a school. There is a newly found freedom, and there is a significant decrease in the classroom rules. The amazing part is that you would no longer see faces wearing a typical uniform, which is a complete bliss for the students. Homework would get replaced by assignments, projects by presentations. One has to get out of his comfort zone to often work in groups.

You will explore yourself. Your outlook will change, your thinking would transform, and you will begin to think differently. The audacity will be not only to learn but to undergo, not to suppress but to express, more to reason, and more to celebrate. Your personality will speak and not just the student in you. A business school weaves a thread of qualities and punctuates one towards perfection. The rudiments of success would get inherited.

The changes would be challenging, but it would all be worth it in the end.


My First Experience at a College

The day I entered the vibrant campus of St. Xavier's College, Kolkata as its student, I felt a bit uncanny. Exalting minds encircled me in the class. A casket full of intelligence and knowledge seemed to have seated here. I realized that making a mark amidst such students stands out to be a difficult task. New friends were made, and thoughts were shared. The worm of curiosity and enthusiasm led to the college's exploration with friends from college to the canteen.

When we see ordinarily, we miss what is to be seen actually. I soon realized that my perception has to adjust to the competitive environment in St. Xavier's College. Thus, it ignited the 'bubble of learning' within me. I recognized myself as a new 'me'. I sensed the need to learn, to imbibe from others. This ardency led to my participation in various competitions, from cricket to business cases. I did win in some of them and also learned from my failures. It was a learning curve, and I progressed. Finally, I achieved various distinction under the roofs of this college. Representing college at various competitions gives pride and confidence. Time isn't being wasted here; time is being invested here.

There was a sense of rivalry among mates, but it again catalyzes to outperform others.  There, I found amazing talents. The extremely competent environment pushed me to the arena to showcase and bring out what I had in me. Make sure to participate in college competitions as it is a learning curve.

If the performer shrinks, then there's no point in having the best stage.

My Advice for the Incoming College Students

Helen Keller was once asked by a journalist, "Madam, can anything be worse than not having eyes?" She modestly replied, "Having eyes and not seeing anything is even worse than not having eyes." So, I have to keep myself open to anything happening in the lap of this wonderful institution.

At college, you would be exposed to people from different backgrounds and different ways of doing work. Initially, things might seem a bit odd; however, you will slowly adjust.  You're the words you speak, the wisdom you gain, the knowledge you impart, the lives you touch, the people you influence, and the world you've made better.

I am all praise for some of the wonderful people I have met during my college life - among faculty members, fellow students, and other industry leaders during corporate engagement sessions. The overall experience has been enriching and has exposed me to so much that I couldn't have seen from the four walls of my house or in an office. The learnings go beyond the textbooks as brilliant young minds argue, oppose, collaborate, and cofunction amidst the healthy competition. I am sure my peers won't disagree with my opinion that a college is a different world that offers a casket of opportunities and introduces a student to things more significant than just education.

The article would fail to establish the beauty of the college experience. This beauty has to be experienced.

Written by - Harshit Somani