"Traveling Is the Best Teacher for Anyone." - Sreejith K Soman

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I am a cliche 90's kid with an Engineering and MBA, who escaped monotony to do something creative and most importantly for job and life satisfaction.

2. What led you to start your page on Instagram and what is it about?

Being social is inevitable for any artist. And social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, 500px, etc. is where most of my favorite artist post their works. Personally, my page is all about my travel and the works I do and the emotions attached along with it. 

I try to link a particular emotion with each of the photos I upload. 

3. What does travel feel like to you?

Traveling is the best teacher for anyone. As the Gen z, most of us will travel around the world rather than buy a new home for ourselves because we know life outside the books and the cubicle can teach you more than anything. 

Personally travel is a real-world experience with some amazing humans who will teach you many things for free, and teach you to be a humble being. 

4. Being a travel photographer, how would you spice up your traveling portfolio to avoid monotonous photos?

There are millions of amazing artists posting content on a daily basis. All we have to do is do proper research and take good references and add your creativity to the ideas around the world. 

I shoot my frames from all the angles possible and think about what will be the common frame at that particular point and try to avoid that. Referencing helps a lot in avoiding shooting the same frame our predecessors already took. 

5. What do you think influences consumer behavior?

Technical advances, easier UI, skilled people vouching for a particular product with valid reasons are something I think influences consumer behavior. But fake advertising is one main villain nowadays pushing consumers to buy the product which he never wanted. 

6. What is your idea of success or your mantra in life?

My Idea of Success is very simple. Be happy about little things in your life, and do things that make you happier. Stop doing things you don't like or boring to you. Also, don't take life so seriously.

7. How can someone become a successful social media influencer?

The only key to becoming a successful social media influencer is Consistency and Self updation about your own field of expertise.

- Sreejith K Soman
  IG - wande_r_lust

- Interviewed By: Amruta Liz Binoy