Why Wars Have No Winners

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“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”- Voltaire

It is said that a soldier fights not because he hates what lies in front but because he loves too much what is behind. A fit enough example of when peace is neglected and the barbaric act-turned-option is put on the highest stair when it is seen as the only option. 

Even after decades, a war keeps people separated even if they all lie on the same humanitarian grounds. 

The history is written on wars, painted with the blood of innocent but none on love, peace, hope, or a dream of a better future. War brings misery and death. And that is it. It brings no hope, just a mind tormented completely by deadly sites which makes it unstable. This is when you are dead by default.

A Band-Aid cannot fix a bullet hole. A bullet can never bring peace. The loud cries, the weeping families, the lifelong disturbing nightmares, eternal insomnia, yes wars make you dead even if you survive. If you find yourself comfortable with someone else’s pain, you are long gone.

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.”- Ernest Hemingway, 1946

1. Poverty

In war, food and other necessities are put to feeding the frontline soldiers, and the remaining population is neglected. Their homes become sites of ambush and they are deprived of basic privileges as a willy-nilly national duty. 

War causes damage to infrastructure, institutions and production units, the destruction of assets, and the breakup of communities and social networks along with forced displacement and a surge in unemployment. Due to a shortage of supply in comparison with demand, inflation takes place and the poor become poorer. 

“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.”- Herbert Hoover

2. Victory without survivors

"Only the dead have seen the end of war.”- George Santayana, 1922.
The above quote has already made it clear. A war that is so-called-won loses people to celebrate it with. What kind of victory is that? A victory that is marked by death?

3. The concentration of Wealth and Inequality

It is a trend. The domestic borrowing has historically been the primary means by which the U.S. governments have financed their wars. From the war of 1812 through World War I, war debt has been dominated by loans purchased from wealthy elites and/or banking syndicates. 

Taxation as a percent of war finance was significant during the World Wars, meeting 30 percent of the cost of World War I and almost 50 percent of the cost of World War II, and peaked as a method of war finance during the Korean War, which was fully financed by taxes. Wealth is a privilege and wars make it worse.

"The First World War was a horror of gas, industrialized slaughter fear and appalling human suffering."-Nick Harkaway, 2012

4. Future Wars

Wars are suffering due to invalid decisions by a few. Irrespective of the decision of the public, what a few people think is implemented even though it can cost thousands of lives. 
World War II witnessed America using nuclear weapons against Japan which painted the earth with the blood of thousands of innocents who died a brutal death.

Japan suffered a loss of lives, infrastructure, the environment got contaminated, while the loud shrieks of families crying over deceased were palpable. America suffered an economic loss. All people were scared to step out to what if they declare another war, snatch away their loved ones.

“Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide.”- Henri Barbusse, 1916

5. Death

Death and war are synonyms, a fact we all know. Wars normalize death and suffering. 
“The cries of the wounded had much diminished now, and as we staggered down the road, the reason was only too apparent, for the water was right over the tops of the shell-holes.”- Captain Edwin Vaughan, 1917.

Written by - Rashi Jain

Edited by - Rudransh Khurana