5 Ways to Improve your Mental Health


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As said by Thomas Jefferson “Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude”. A person should be both physically as well as mentally fit in order to succeed in life. The emotional, psychological and social well-being of a person is known as mental health. 

It affects the way we think, feel and act in certain situations. World Health Organisation defines mental health as “Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”. 

You should be able to recognize the best things about yourself and your weaknesses as well. This can only happen when you have a good mental health. In today’s world, decision making plays a crucial role. If you miss an opportunity, it may cost you very expensive. This all is related with Mental health. There are various ways to improve our mental health. Some of them are given below: 

Stay Physically Fit - Physical health is directly related with mental health. You should eat nutritious food, do exercise and drink plenty of water, etc. Apart from this, you should ensure that you get enough sleep. Research has proved that lack of sleep contributes to depression and other mental problems. You should also prohibit the use of alcohol and cigarettes.

Meditation - Meditation is another way to improve your mental health. Meditation and other exercises like yoga can improve your state of mind. They will also improve your outlook on life. Researches have shown that meditation will help you feel serene, calm and energetic. It can also reduce stress and enhance your memory and concentration. You should aim to meditate at least 20 minutes each day. 

Test Yourself - Sometimes we do not feel interested in the work but we keep doing it due to certain circumstances. This leads to stress and depression. In order to avoid these problems, you should keep asking yourselves certain questions like:

Am I interested in the work that I am doing?

Am I able to sleep adequate number of hours?

Am I caught in a trap of habits that are not good for my selves?

These questions will help you in analyzing yourselves and identifying your problems to improve your mental health.       

Seeking Help - Seeking help is a sign of positivity not weakness. If you think that you are having problem related to anything, you should unhesitatingly consult the specialist who can resolve your problems. People who are able to get proper care and consultation recover from mental illnesses and live a normal life. You can consult Psychiatrists who can help you in coming out of your mental illnesses. The only thing to keep in mind is that help can only prove to be useful if the person receiving help asks for it voluntarily and not by any coercion.

Learn New Things - The worst thing about some people is that they stop learning. Their knowledge remains stagnant without growing. You should always try to learn at least one new thing daily. You should assess the areas where you are lagging and turn those weaknesses into your abilities. You should have a purpose in your life. Hence, you should constantly learn new things and increase your knowledge and abilities. This will make you self-confident and improve your mental health. 

These are some of the ways to improve your mental health. You should ensure that you are physically fit by eating nutritious food, taking adequate sleep and doing exercise daily. You should keep meditating to ensure that you feel relaxes, peaceful and calm. 

You should be able to recognize your problems you are facing and resolve them. You should never hesitate to ask for help from professionals regarding anything. It is a sign of positivity, not negativity. Learning opens thousands of gates for an individual and makes you great. It boosts your motivation and makes you self- confident. These ways will definitely improve your mental health.  


Written by - Vaibhav Sharma
Edited by - Kshish Chadha