Every Teenager’s Dilemma

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A teenager is someone who is going through a completely different phase of life in a confused manner. We consider anyone in the age group of 13 to 19 as a teenager (even if they haven’t gone through puberty yet). 

It’s an age group where you enter into a whole different dimension in school life as well as personal life. But do the people actually see it the way they should, even after going through the same phase, or are they just following the crowd?

All adults know how it feels to be a teenager. 

Those hormone explosions going inside our minds and bodies are some of the most recurring things throughout. The extreme mood swings, along with the school life drama were some of the most hectic things we used to face. To top it all of, our parents saying that the only thing we should be doing is study. 

Isn’t it a bit weird because that’s not true and no way in the world it is possible with all the adrenaline and curiosity flowing through our veins?

Role of Parents

The teenage period is one of the many phases of life which needs to be handled with immense care. The way their parents treat them, play a major role in who they become in the future. There are parents who want their kids to behave like grownups. 

They put so much pressure onto them. They suffocate them until these kids reach their parents' goals and not their own. But it’s not true for all. In this era, parents have started to take a new turn by actually treating them with all the care they need, giving them the option to choose and letting them fly free.

Even if these parents want their kids to be adults, they don’t allow them to be like one. Decision making is especially one of the many things that the teenagers are looked down at. They think that teenagers can’t make wise decisions and that they know the best. 

To be honest, do the parents really know what or who their kids are once they reach adolescence? Teenagers do make crazy and wrong decisions, but that’s how they are going to learn. Stopping them will make them take bigger decisions which could really affect their lives negatively and they get blamed for it as well.

But the truth is that it's their parents' fault that they are not giving them the space to grow, learn, and make mistakes. This is every teenager's dilemma - treated like a child but expected to behave like an adult. 

Beautiful Lies

Society always wants perfect teenagers and kids. There is no room for making mistakes or improvements. In fact, what they really want is robots. But that’s not how humans are made. Even though our Indian society is changing, there still exist people that I talked about above.

In the end, do such things really affect their future? Will they really be great people? Will they achieve anything? For all of these questions, the answer is yes.

Of course, they will be great people and achieve many things, but it is just a mask that they wear in front of society to avoid being targeted. The real question should be, are they happy? In many cases, they aren’t happy. They show they are happy but they aren't.

The whole world likes beautiful lies because they can’t face the ugly truth. That’s why for them, perfection matters more than happiness. Money and status matter more than happiness. To some different mindsets in the present day, there are people who really allow and go behind happiness without caring about society. 

Let Teenagers Fly

That’s what we should teach the young generations, to follow their dreams, make mistakes, and learn from it and mainly to be happy.

Happiness is the key to everything and it starts from the beginning. Be happy and let others be too. Let teenagers fly, make mistakes, and learn from it because that’s what will make them better humans but not striving for perfection.

Written by - Farheen Firoz

Edited by - Rudransh Khurana