Whatsapp Chatbots - A Mere Trend or Revolution?

 HD wallpaper: Illustration of a chatbot application interacting ...

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What Is a Chatbot?

A chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) software that can stimulate a conversation (or a chat) with a user in natural language through messaging applications, websites, and mobile apps or the telephone.

Why are Chatbots Important? 

A chatbot is often described as one of the most advanced and promising expressions of interaction between humans and machines. However, from a technological point of view, a chatbot only represents the natural evolution of a Question-Answering system leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Automation has been on the rise, with the onset in the culture of constant shifting to new trends and new developments. With the advent of automation, the burden of unnecessary workload has decreased to a far end. The employees can now easily focus on tasks that hold maximum weightage.

Lead generation, customer- support, booking meetings, etc. are all essential tasks that are at the same time very; time-consuming and repetitive. Automation in this form helps increase engagement with customers. It is very simple and convenient for people to use Whatsapp.

Hence, companies started to engage in chatbots. The interaction with these bots one had to visit the source which is inculcated in the bot within their website framework. To get connected to the bot, you have to visit a particular website and landing page, which is usually the home page.

But now with the advent of Whatsapp chatbots, one does not need to leave the interface i.e. one can stay on the same platform to communicate with the company.

Here's What Whatsapp Chatbots offer -

1. Whatsapp Chatbots enable businesses to have an online business presence on Whatsapp, to seamlessly communicate with customers, and help their businesses blossom.

2. Whatsapp does not allow companies to start chatbots in the field of medicine or One needs to be careful while sending out messages to the customers. The initial message cannot be promotional. Your account can be reported as a spam account.

3. However, if the person has shared their details with you and has shown interest in knowing the offers and discounts running in the company, then you have all the right to send them messages in that relation.

4. One should make sure that you design your templates precisely as once they are approved you cannot introduce changes to it. Otherwise, you will have to wait until the new template gets approved.


Chatbots Spreading Awareness

  • Sit under a tree to kill the virus
  • Drink water every 15 minutes to kill the virus present in your mouth
  • Taking pain killers once a day will keep the virus at bay
  • Drinking garlic water is effective

The list of home remedies to get away from COVID-19 is a never-ending one. With millions of people using social media apps like Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram, fake and frankly, the most absurd news travels fast. Besides such unscientific health suggestions, another set of rumours doing rounds are the number of Covid-19 cases and deaths in India.

As a solution to dispel myths and debunk rumors around the viral pandemic, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has launched a Whatsapp a chatbot called ‘MyGov Corona Helpdesk’ which can come in handy.

To start this chatbot on your Whatsapp you need to follow these 2 steps -

Save the number 9013151515 on your phone

Send a ‘hi’ on Whatsapp message to this number and get started

Once you send a message, you will get an overall picture of the kind of information you can access. You can also check the latest updates on the official website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. So next time you get a Whatsapp forward that is even remotely suspicious, you know what to do!

Conclusion -

The point of the chatbot is to be engaging and collect appropriate information or even answer standardized questions. Whatsapp chatbots is a revolution in itself, where its simplifying process is helping the business accounts to grow and by giving accurate information from reliable sources it is curbing the mass sharing of fake news and rumors.


Written by – Soham Upadhye

Edited by - Bushra Makhdoomi