Why Smart Attire Is Crucial For a Successful Interview


Most of us believe that the work we do is a far better representative of us than the manner in which we dress up for an interview or any other formal occasion. There are no problems with this belief but one. As unfortunate as it may feel, we live in a society where it takes less than seven seconds for people to form a proper first impression of us based on our physical appearance. Knowing this, it becomes a harder prospect for someone to be unheedful of the way they dress as doing so could end up costing them a glorious opportunity.

Now, since we've established that we live in an imperfect world where dressing up for any formal occasion is crucial for success, let us dwell deeply into some of the reasons behind dressing up smartly for an interview -

1. Form of Self-Expression 

The way you dress up for an interview reflects your personality and attitude. If you are dressed appropriately, it depicts a level of sincerity and effort that you've put towards getting prepared for the job interview. It also echoes your intent and dedication validating your goals and ideas.

2. Gets Attention

Your physical appearance will guarantee you brownie points in an interview if you are dressed well. The apparel you choose to wear to an interview is indicative of how earnestly you desire the job and just by noticing whether the shirt you've chosen to wear is properly ironed or your shoes are neatly polished, people can make out how carefully you’ve prepared for the interview. 

3. Self-Confidence

Given how tense and scary an interview could be, dressing up well would ensure you with the benefit of having one less thing to worry about.

It has psychological benefits as well. Knowing that you've dressed smartly for an interview can uplift your confidence by leaps and bounds. Being aware of the fact that you've prepared yourself in the most perfect way possible while walking into an interview would massively boost your confidence.

4. Competitive Edge

Each one of us is aware of the cutthroat competition that an individual faces in the contemporary corporate job scenario. Everyone is justifiably aiming to perform better than the person next to them and that has led to a predicament encountered by companies while weeding out applicants for a vacancy. This has caused many companies to filter aspirants at the early stages on the basis of the first impressions formed by their physical appearance. So, perhaps the next time that you are preparing yourself for an interview, this would serve as an added incentive for dressing up well!

5. Professionalism

The recognition showed towards an interview by taking the time out to dress up well, irrespective of its magnitude is a sign of profound respect and professionalism exhibited by an individual. A gesture of this kind garners respect and approval from fellow colleagues including the interviewer, enhancing the chances of such individuals of bagging the job. Also, the efforts put into dressing up tidily for an interview radiate feelings of likeability, making the interviewer put such individuals in the same bracket as themselves, having resonated with their qualities of being professional and respectful.

6. Assumptions

We can all agree with the fact that we live in an extremely judgmental world. People seem to be in a hurry to jump to conclusions about an individual, and the quicker they conjure such assumptions, the more satisfied they appear to be. Similar ostensible processes of evaluation seem to make up an interviewer's mind when it comes to choosing the right candidate for a job, and framing judgment on the basis of one's physical appearance is a significant part of the paradigm. So, in order to elude oneself from such techniques, it has become a necessity for an applicant to dress up well for an interview in order to earn a fair shot at obtaining the job.

The competition being witnessed in the job market right now is higher than ever before. This makes it imperative for each aspirant to check all the boxes, without missing out on even the minutest details while applying for a job to make sure that he/she stands out from the rest of the competition.

What one must fully understand while deciding to dress up is to be aware of the audience which they would be catering to at the interview and dress according to the occasion. So, it isn't always a compulsion to be dressed in a suit at a job interview. However, it is essential that when turns up dressed decently, staying true to the occasion.

Written by - Puru Raj Raghuvanshi
Edited by - Vasudha Sabharwal