100 Things To Do In 10 Minutes

Things to do

Do you have 10 minutes to spend?

Do you have 10 minutes to do something?

Do you have 10 minutes to read this article?

Your countdown begins!!

You can do self-exploration by spending 10 minutes by doing something productive, creative, innovative, and funny. who knows you can end up with some amazing ideas till you reach the last point.

Things To Do: 

  1. 10-minute laughing exercise.
  2. 10-minute meditation.
  3. 10-minute relaxing yoga.
  4. 10-minute self-grooming.
  5. 10-minute stretching.
  6. Backup your old photos.
  7. Brush up your old skills.
  8. Call a friend whom you are missing.
  9. Change the contact names of family members uniquely.
  10. Change the contact names of friends into funny names.
  11. Check trending news.
  12. Clean weeds out of your yard.
  13. Clear unnecessary screenshots from your mobile.
  14. Clear your inbox.
  15. Close your eyes and listen ti the rain.
  16. Cook something easy and quick.
  17. DE-clutter your space.
  18. Decorate your study table.
  19. Delete apps you don’t use.
  20. Do brain teasers.
  21. Do interesting and safe science experiments.
  22. Do one household chores.
  23. Do prank call with friends.
  24. Do shadow play with fingers.
  25. Do unique DIY projects.
  26. Draw some of your sweet memories.
  27. Go and watch some green living and non living elements as a good eye exercise.
  28. Go for a walk.
  29. Learn easy embroidery design.
  30. Learn one magic trick.
  31. Listen to poetry.
  32. Make Paper craft.
  33. Make a Wish-list on amazon.
  34. Make a bookmark.
  35. Make a bucket list of your favorite types of movies.
  36. Make a checklist of award-winning movies.
  37. Make a list of movies you want to see.
  38. Make a poster with 2 colors.
  39. Make a pros and cons list for a decision.
  40. Make a schedule to complete a book.
  41. Make a slow-motion video of yourself for self-admiration.
  42. Make a time capsule for yourself.
  43. Make an effective saving strategy for yourself.
  44. Make doodles.
  45. Make easy embroidery design.
  46. Make easy mug brownies.
  47. Make nice tea and relax in your balcony.
  48. Make refreshing detox.
  49. Make small schedule for next 5 or 3 hours.
  50. Make sticky notes of formulas.
  51. Make sticky notes of important events.
  52. Make your playlist and relax.
  53. Make your salad.
  54. Make your secret code messages for use with friends.
  55. Observe the sky and name figure out different characters.
  56. Order pizza.
  57. Paint your nails.
  58. Plan your dream vacation.
  59. Play your favorite music and dance to it.
  60. Practice easy henna design.
  61. Put some relaxing face pack.
  62. Read 2-3 pages of a book.
  63. Read articles.
  64. Read some motivating quotes.
  65. Research a new topic.
  66. Right your last night dream & explore.
  67. Scribble your thoughts into quotes.
  68. Set a goal where you want to see yourself after 10 years.
  69. Sew a button.
  70. Sew torn clothes.
  71. Sing a song.
  72. Solve a puzzle.
  73. Solve interesting math problems.
  74. Spend time with elders.
  75. Stack your books according to colors.
  76. Start writing a journal.
  77. Stick motivating quotes.
  78. Stop using the phone for 10 minutes.
  79. Take some responsibilities.
  80. Take some unique self-portraits.
  81. Take your dog for a walk.
  82. Talk with yourself before the mirror for self development.
  83. Try a new hairstyles
  84. Try funny tongue twisters.
  85. Try safe and funny trends and challenges from the internet.
  86. Try to learn 10 new words with meaning.
  87. Try to learn a new language.
  88. Try to notice 5 different sounds out of your house/ room.
  89. Update your calendar.
  90. Update your journal.
  91. Update your resume.
  92. Watch 10-minute inspiring videos.
  93. Watch 5-minute TED Talk.
  94. Watch your old & nostalgic videos to cherish the moment.
  95. Water your plants.
  96. Write a blog.
  97. Write a letter to yourself for future.
  98. Write down 50 things you would like to do before you die.
  99. Write down your life into a short story.
  100. Write your list of activities for avoiding boredom.