Don’t Be Discouraged or Demotivated - Saudamini Madra

Follow your dreams. Don’t be discouraged or demotivated. The only way to improve is by practising. Don’t compete with anyone else, but yourself to be better. 

1. Tell us more about your background and journey.

I was born and raised in India. Later, I moved to Los Angeles eleven years ago. I have always been artistic and interested in visual arts from a very young age. I studied Fine Arts in college (in India) and have learnt many different art forms. 

Black and white art has been my favourite – there is a complexity you can achieve that appeals to me. I used to find a lot of peace working on landscapes and trees. Some of my best works are really complex pieces.

I did a Masters in Fashion and worked in the industry for 15 years. Despite being so busy, I would turn to art to de-stress.

A couple of years ago, I was drawn to Mandala art. I had never practised this art form and knew nothing about it. I was completely mesmerized by Mandalas and practised every single day, improving with each piece. I had found a passion and it was very exciting as my love for black and white art flourished once again!

2. When did you decide you wanted to be an Artist?

I have been an artist for over 20 years now, practising only off and on. But my circumstances changed late 2019 when I left my full-time job in Los Angeles and moved to the San Francisco Bay Area for my husband’s job. 

The world hit with COVID-19 soon after that and any job interviews I had lined up vanished. So now I am a full-time artist by accident and loving every minute of it!

3. Is it a financially stable career?

Like any career choice, it does come with its financial hurdles. I’m just starting out as a freelance artist and slowly starting to accumulate revenue streams. Fortunately, we live in a time where there are many new tools for artists to sell their work. 

Of course, there are marketplaces like Etsy and tools like Shopify, but Facebook recently rolled out a Shops product. I’m excited to see how I (and other artists) sell their work!

4. Who is your favourite artist and why?

There are so many artists across different genres that I admire and whose work I find inspirational. It’s really hard to pick one!

Mandalas and fractals - Lizzie Snow (forty-one hundred) and Mike Pethig


Charcoal - Gunjan Daga

Line drawing - Bijay Biswaal

Colour pencils - CJ Hendry

Fashion - Masoom Minawala

5. Where do you get inspired to create art?

Inspiration is all around us! We just need to keep an open mind. I’ve found inspiration in my surroundings, nature, architecture, through religion, other artists, even some of my previous works.

6. What kind of book do you prefer to read?

My favourite genre is fiction. I haven’t had much time to read lately and I haven’t really caught on to audiobooks yet.

7. What piece of advice would you like to give to the future aspirants?

Follow your dreams. Don’t be discouraged or demotivated. The only way to improve is by practising. Don’t compete with anyone else, but yourself to be better. Be original! That’s the only way to shine through in a crowd and make your own mark.

Lastly, always remember the 3 P’s: practice, patience and perseverance!

Interview by - Pallavi

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