5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Unwanted Strangers


The world is not a safe place anymore. We’ve been hearing about kidnap, rape, harassment, robbery, and many other terrifying things that no one could ever imagine. What is more sorrowful that many people who faced these tragic things couldn’t defend themselves and there was no one to rescue them, especially kids and girls.

In a survey done on 1,000 women, 81% reported experiencing some form of sexual harassment. Some other statistics show that 49%  of human trafficking is for adult women, not that kids or boys do not face this kind of danger but women are facing this risk more than others. Not mentioning many other horrifying numbers that may let you panic.

That’s why in this article we are going to give you 5 ways to protect yourself against unwanted strangers, here we are not being sexist but we all know that girls and kids are more likely to face this kind of unwanted stuff but these ways will help you too dear boys.

As a parent, you need to teach your kid how to defend himself after explaining to him what kind of danger he may face outside the house. And as an adult, if you don’t know how to protect yourself then it’s time to learn some moves.

Self Defense

There is a lot of defensive moves, but as a beginner and as someone who wants to know the minimum of protecting yourself against unwanted strangers, these moves are enough and good as a beginning

  • Hurt the Nose: with your palm of your hand you can attack the stranger and make him bleed or even broke his nose because it’s a sensitive spot in the face and you can easily damage it 

  • Wristlock:  flip your assailant’s palm up, then twist and force your attacker  towards the ground, this will give you time to attack him more and then run away

  • Pocking the Eyes: maybe with your keys or just with your fingers, you can poke the stranger’s eyes and he will not be able to see you or follow you

You can learn some sports that help you to save your life like judo or karate or boxing. In the case of attack always remember to make loud sounds while trying to save yourself so anybody can hear you and come to help. Learn more self-defense ways here.

Gps System 

You can link your phone or your watch with your parent’s phone and they will get signals of where you are and they will be able to track you for more safety. 

This is a safe way to track your child in case you can’t pick him up or they are in a situation that they need to be outside alone, also if you are an adult but you work by night then this is a good idea for you.

Walk in the Crowd   

Try to avoid walking in calm places or inhibited places by yourself, always follow the crowd and, walk beside people with maintaining the distance. No one can drag to unwanted places or attack you in the crowd.

Call the Police

The first thing we all need to know is the police number in our state, save the police number in your phone and put it as an emergency number as well. So in case of attacks, you can run or disturb the attacker for a while and call the police fastly 

Strong Personality

You need to teach your kids that they are strong and they can defend themselves no matter what the situation is, if they are facing harassment then there’s no need to be afraid of yelling at the harasser or to act directly, its not their fault and they need to act and speak loudly to defend themselves.

The self-defense classes are the most advised to women, kids, and men and it is proved that those who joined these classes had better safety strategies and were more equipped to deal with strangers and had increased self-confidence, It is also advised to have a small weapon in your bag, like pepper spray or a stun gun. Stay safe and always take care of yourselves, and remember the world is not that pinky place anymore. You can learn more about how you can contribute to making a safer world for women here.

Written By - Nour Fawzi

Edited By - Khushi Prajapati