Is Beauty the New Trend?


Living with eyes that could see the beauty in everything, is surely something to like and commend. But what if those eyes start to see nothing but the beauty, and later on even put ranks on this beauty. It's no doubt that this topic has taken the interest of many over the years. Lately, however, it's been taking so much time and effort of so many people. 

Some for a good cause and others for popularity purposes only, nothing more nothing less. But why is it that people are walking so fast towards such an obsession at a rapid speed? Why good looks are becoming everything we hear and talk about? Why are make-overs no longer the same? Below we list some of the reasons that force a great bunch of people to care about beauty and nothing but beauty! 

1. Filtered Images

This widespread desire of both males and females to be applauded and rewarded with likes, shares, and popularity is paving the way for more unrealistic photos to go around the web. And platforms like Instagram that originally started so people could simply share lovely pictures of whatever, are turning into beauty platforms. Where you could get the most recognition if you're pretty or handsome; and almost everyone's goal is shifting towards how to get signed and become an Instagram model. From beauty models to beauty artists just put the word beauty and everyone will come running to follow. 

2. Forcing Unrealistic Standards

All this amount of editing, photo-shopping, and filtering the images is raising the bar when it's not even needed. Everything that's presented on those accounts screams perfection and soon our eyes get used to those impossible-to-get looks. I'm sure even the post owner can't look like the pictures they post anyway! But the majority believes it, and those who don't go after such beauty standards because they fear being with someone who does believe that such standards exist. Therefore, they found themselves blindly forced to look and pose in a certain way to meet those expectations. Even if it's not needed! 

3. Cheaper Plastic Surgeries

Beauty adjustments are easier and cheaper than ever; this makes them easy to achieve goals on every self-conscious person's list. What starts with simple tweaks, slightly fuller lips, more pointed nose-tip, more defined jawline, and God knows what else will ultimately lead to bigger changes. Taking the first step is always the hardest, that's why once this fear is shaken a change will only be followed by another till there is no way you could tell people apart from each other. Not to mention that beauty influencers open the young girls' eyes to things they don't know about and don't necessarily need to change in the first place. 

4. More Jobs

If you have a beautiful face and body you probably would not have to worry about things like getting a job, but more like losing it once a prettier face is up. A pretty face used to be preferred by people for jobs that require standing in front of the camera. Well, at least that was the case! Lately, even simple ordinary jobs prefer those with good looks over the more ordinary ones, like it's something to be punished for; choosing to stay the way God created you. And if you're satisfied you'll get a shocked Pikachu face for not wanting to change anything about your body or face features. Some job descriptions are bold enough to state "good looks" in the requirements field so don't be shocked when that happens! 

5. The Human's Urge to Satisfy Everyone

We humans have this constant urge to gain everyone's interest and satisfaction, even if it's not needed and that's mostly the case. We learn so much in school but we're never taught enough about things like self-love and care. Changing your style to one that suits you better, or choosing the right haircut and make-up style for your face are things that we all welcome and love. But don't confuse that with actually starting to hate how your face looks like, how your body is shaped, and more important how someone's messed-up eyes are judging your original beauty. 

Humans are supposed to be real but they are becoming more unreal, we used to celebrate diversity but it's almost as if we are mourning it now. Everyone looks the same that we sometimes miss looking at a face that looks like ours to feel at ease. Beauty shouldn't be limited to the number of stretch marks that you have, how curvy or skinny you are, your height, your size, your skin tone, and what makes you "you". Beauty is your whole being from the inside out. If you're interested check more here out. 

Written By - Dana Asnan 

Edited By - Vaibhav Sharma