Ayesha Sheeba - No Path Is Wrong Because They All Eventually Lead To The Same Destination (Spiritual Visionary)

Ayesha Sheeba

Spirituality is a connection with your soul. Inside every person, no matter how they are on the outside, is a soul that is no different from others. We incarnate here for the living experience to evolve, each and every time. 

1.Tell us about your background and your journey?

My journey as a Spiritual Visionary began twenty years ago but I have always been inclined towards Spirituality and the Supernatural since early childhood with abilities to see and sense beyond this world. 

I was born into a Hindu Brahmin family where conducting rituals and pujas was the norm. I continue to expand my spiritual practices worldwide through many mediums ranging from being a TedX Speaker, globally recognized Published Author to a Priestess for thousands of my International Clients.

2. What led you to take up this career path?

It seemed like the most natural path for me and I have acquired a matchless passion for my work which was quite an unconventional choice of business or career back then. Destiny brought me this far and I knew there is no looking back as I continue to expand exponentially.

3. What is spirituality?

Spirituality is a connection with your soul. Inside every person, no matter how they are on the outside, is a soul that is no different from others. We incarnate here for the living experience to evolve, each and every time. 

There is not a single element in this Universe which lacks a spiritual connection and we as souls, are here to embrace that. No path is wrong because they all eventually lead to the same destination.

4. Why is spirituality often misunderstood and underrated?

Well, it is very common for people to doubt, fear and even push their ego at spirituality because the basic concept is often too simple and yet challenging for humanity. There are so many misconceptions developed both by people who exploit the spiritual experience in others as well as those who try to force it on others. 

I do not believe either is needed. To allow each soul to adapt his or her own path without any pressure, flowing with the journey instead of forcing anything is far more beautiful and natural. 

Spirituality does not require one relinquishes everything for it. In fact, you gain more from the change of perspective you adapt as you open your mind.

People fear that they will have to let go of a 'normal' life if they become spiritual, which is not true. I have the best of both worlds. Also, in countries such as India, spirituality is often deeply connected to religious faith, which again is not required. 

One does not have to fit into some box but learn to fly beyond all labels and boxes humanity depends on.

5. How spiritual practices can be helpful in today's stressful situations and move us towards a meaningful life?

Spirituality is nothing but Love. To love without restrictions and boundaries. To live and not just exist. All of this is sorely lacking in modern civilization. By adopting these concepts, without any pressure whatsoever, one learns to become one with the soul. 

One with your purpose here. One where you gain the liberty of being who you are created to become without having to compare, compete or conform.

6. What is the suitable age for practising spirituality?

There is no age specification. As for me, I was able to see Spirits of (Atma as known in Sanskrit), even before I was able to comprehend it. Spiritual awakening occurs at any age based on when your soul is prepared to be self-aware of it all. If you are drawn to it, nothing else matters.

7. What are some challenges and roadblocks you have faced along your journey?

Me. Nothing has affected me more than myself because no matter what life throws at us, how we respond defines our path. Someone or something can only affect us if we allow it. 

Every single trigger is a lesson in life and once we see above or deeper, we realize this and learn to navigate through it. I, therefore, believe that nothing has or will affect me in any way unless I allow it to. Self-awareness by being more of an observer than a mere role player helped me greatly.

8. Which is your favourite book and why?

I have always drowned myself in non-fictional materials and have been for years, obsessed with all kinds of deep spiritual topics from across the world ranging from the Spiritual Practices of ancient civilizations to Interdimensional Travel. 

I am always a student and in the process of continuing to serve, I am always grateful to not let any of it increase my ego. We are all the same and come from the same source, after all.

- Ayesha Sheeba or Anuradhe Govindan (Spiritual Visionary, 
TedX Speaker, Published Author, Traditional Indian Priestess)

Ayesha Sheeba

Ayesha Sheeba has proven to be a catalyst in thousands of lives across the world, by playing many roles from that of a TedX Speaker, Published Author, Spiritual Visionary to a Traditional Indian Priestess for two decades. Having embraced Spirituality deeply rooted in the intense connection she has with Ascended Masters associated with Hinduism, her journey here is immensely unique and surreal, to say the least. Currently also working on her next book, a show of her own and the launch of an exquisite meditation experience, Ayesha has been primarily working from her Chennai home.

Website: www.revolutionoflight.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-8pgQayItwI-_ZKbrj169A

Interviewed By Tuhina Rana