Discipline: An Inevitable Aspect of One’s Life



Discipline are some things that keeps everyone on top of things. It motivates an individual to progress in life and achieve success. It is the guide that availability directs an individual on the proper path.

Discipline isn't necessary but also vital for any civilized society, as a matter of fact discipline and nature are synonymous with one another and whenever anything happens, which defines or interrupts the usual in nature, it became a calamity. Similarly, life without discipline can become chaotic.

Basic meaning and importance

The term discipline means any training intended to develop moral character or produce a particular pattern of behaviour accepted by different institutions and society.

Discipline is a way of life. It is vital in shaping one’s personality. According to one school of thought, there are three forms of discipline i.e. Expressionistic, impressionistic and self-discipline.

Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not.

Self-discipline is the base for mental toughness. It gives the willpower required for facing challenges and adversities. Restraint and practice help you determine your weaknesses.

Discipline teaches you to be responsible. You can maintain consistency in life and observe the well-defined rules. You take the right decisions at the right time. These qualities earn your respect, and you are seen as a natural leader. A good leader must possess a magnificent personality. You can improve your personality and become impressive.


Self-discipline is typically considered to be the simplest sort of discipline where within the term ‘discipline’ rather than standing as a rigid code of conduct to be strictly adhered to, denotes a process of normal growth and learning, of the way to watch oneself.

Self-discipline is directly associated with the concept of freedom and motivation. If a toddler is motivated and given the liberty to settle on, discipline becomes a natural way of life.

Self-discipline comes naturally to some people and some people can achieve it with some effort. The effort made is worth it as it changes life for the better. It just means exercising self-control. A person who stays in control has the ability to take charge of his actions and reactions.

Self-control is a praiseworthy benefit of discipline. A person of discipline exercises better restraint and control over his actions. A disciplined person is very careful with the use of his words when talking with others.

Furthermore, such an individual ensures that his behaviour is decent and appropriate at all times.

Discipline misunderstood as suppression

At times, discipline is misunderstood and misinterpreted by some students as rigid and glued set of rules enforced by others and to be followed with none questions being asked and thus, they feel it is encroachment of their freedom and rights.

Discipline isn't a term which is restricted to institutions like schools and colleges only. Neither is it a weapon or tool in the hands of adults to control the younger generation or in the other words seeking unquestionable compliance.

Discipline is neither suppression nor it means to say one’s authority rather it's intrinsic motivation during a person to regulate oneself, one’s emotion, and desires and sleep in a uniform and orderly manner.

That everything during this universe has got to follow certain rules, the sun rises within the east and sets within the west, come what may, the cycle of seasons also follows a pattern, night follows, dusk which follows day and dawn.

Thus, we humans also are governed by rules and following an equivalent is another term for discipline.

Role of schools inculcating discipline

The process to learn and master discipline starts at school. A child will never be successful in his adult life if he has not followed a disciplined life since childhood. So, school plays a key role in imparting discipline.

Discipline is a way to set limits for the children so that they know what is right and what is wrong. This improves the character of the students and they become strong as well as self-reliant.

Discipline even develops the analytical skills of the students. So, when they grow up, they can exploit their skills to solve real-life challenges.

In schools, discipline is often exercised through the medium of morning assembly, schedule, uniform, break, activities, various competitions and talk shows.

An example of discipline is additionally the happening of activities within the school premises during a particular order, right from promptness in reaching the varsity, wearing the prescribed uniform, abiding with the school rules, attending classes etc.

Conclusion- discipline inevitable part of ones life

In conclusion, we can say that discipline is one of the key elements of anyone’s life. A person can only be successful if she/he strictly live a healthy and disciplined life.

Besides, the discipline also helps us in a lot of ways and motivates the person around us to be disciplined. Above all, discipline helps a person to achieve the success that she/he wants in life.

When one learns to evolve to a specific set of rules he understands the importance and wish to follow a specific pattern in life and the way veering far-away from them can make life difficult and confusing.

All successful people understand the importance of discipline in their lives and luxuriate in the fruits of success.

An undisciplined person is susceptible to temptations and may easily fall prey to a life-style which could lead on to his failure and doom. Discipline, thus is inevitable because it gives direction to measure life during a harmonious and orderly way.


- By Adarsh Rai