What Can You Do When You Feel Mentally Exhausted


A person can feel mentally or physically exhausted and it is quite normal. A mentally exhausted person experiences long term stress and can make you feel overwhelmed or emotionally drained and can make you feel that your responsibilities and problems are impossible to overcome. 

The feeling of detachment and apathy can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life. Whereas physical exhaustion is a state of unrelenting fatigue that leaves you physically drained. 

Symptoms of Mental Exhaustion -

Symptoms of mental exhaustion can differ from person to person. It causes physical as well as emotional symptoms and also impacts your behaviour. 

Emotional Signs of Mental Exhaustion Include -

Depression, anxiety, anger, feeling of hopelessness, lack of motivation, the decline in productivity etc.

Physical Signs Include -

Headaches, body aches, insomnia, changes in appetite, weight loss.

Behavioural Signs Include -

Social isolation, poor performance at school/work, calling in sick to work or school often.

Causes of Mental Exhaustion 

Common causes of mental exhaustion -

1. Working long hours
2. Lack of social support
3. Financial stress
4. Relationship issues

Stop Trying Too Hard

Avoid “I Need to Work Harder” Trap -

Try to slow down instead of attempting to just work harder when you tend to react to stress, struggling or exhaustion. By telling yourself that answer to every problem is to work harder is not an accurate thought. 

The trap here is that when you tell yourself that the problem is, not working hard enough you are likely to close the ways of coping. Try to solve the problem through willpower rather than seeking other strategies.

When You Are Tired of Life, Recognize Rumination -

It is crucial to understand that if you overthinking while you are in a depressed mood, it impairs the quality of problem-solving solutions that people generate.

Recognize that answer to your problems is not about thinking more about how to solve the problems; instead, you can take a break from thinking about your problem. This can lead you to take actions on simple things that can improve your situation or mood rather than continued thinking.

Regulate Your Rhythms -

Regulate a few things like developing regular routines of sleeping, eating and working can help you to regulate your mood and energy. This is a basic principle and should be followed by everyone in general.

Treating and Coping With Mental Exhaustion

Remove the Stressor -

It’s not possible to eliminate the source of stress but it is the best way to treat stress. When you feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities ask for help. 

Take a Break -

A very important part of treating mental exhaustion is to rest and recharge. This can include- taking a walk, meeting your friends, go on a vacation or even just taking a bit of time for yourself. 

Exercise -

Exercise has many benefits for our physical and emotional health. It’s not very easy to find the motivation to exercise but you don’t need to engage yourself in a high-intensity workout. You can also do moderate exercise, it is best suited to reduce stress than a complex one. 

Relaxation Techniques -

This technique is scientifically proven to lower stress and anxiety. It includes -

1. Yoga

2. Deep breathing

3. Massage

4. Aromatherapy

Get More Sleep -

Sleep is very important for your emotional well-being. Aim to get eight-hour sleep daily. Try to avoid spending time in bed throughout the day- something which contributes to mental exhaustion. Try to develop a bedtime routine and stick to it.

Keep a Gratitude Journal -

Keeping a journal and writing things you are grateful for each day helps you a lot in focusing the good in your life. Negative thoughts can consume you when you are mentally exhausted so try to remember things you are thankful for and think more positive thoughts. 

Keeping a gratitude journal helps in -

1. Reducing stress

2. More happiness

3. Higher well-being

4. Better physical health

Eat Healthily -

It can make a world of difference if you eat healthy when you are stressed. It will not only help you in getting the vitamins and minerals your body required but will also improve your digestion, sleep and energy which have a direct effect on your emotional state. Try to avoid sugary, snack and fried or processed food.  

Mental and physical exhaustion can be treated, there are several resources available that can help to relieve your symptoms and cope with your stress. You can also talk to a mental health doctor it is normal to seek a therapist if required.

Written by - Harshita Negi

Edited by - Ivanova