Mansi Dhanak - Manifesting Is the Practice of Bringing Things Into Our Life Through the Way We Shape Our Mindset (Manifestation Coach)

Mansi Dhanak

We are always manifesting. I never knew everything I had in my life was manifested by me. In 2015, I had a massive breakthrough when I manifested a major project with a big banner with whom I wanted to associate. That was my first aha moment knowing the fact that I could manifest anything I want, realizing all this while the power was within me.

1. What made you choose this career path? 

Well, I followed my inner GPS. Following that nudge has helped me manifest and have so much in my life. I wouldn’t have thought of this as my career until 6 years ago but there’s always a bigger reason for our highest good! I was already running 2 businesses - The Brides Of India & Mission Josh, there was more in store for me. 

In 2015, I signed up for various courses, it was a complete 360 self-development transformation for me. It’s funny that at the time I would have never realized the Universe was always priming me to become a Manifestation and Mindset coach helping others get super clear on their desires and how to unleash their highest potential. 

I was always attracted to this field, but the turning point in my life was that moment when I invested massive amounts into my own personal development and in a couple of years I realized that now is my chance to put everything I ever learned to work and use it to help others. 

I have been working with clients globally, 1:1 sessions, Group sessions, and courses. I think it was the end of 2017 when I decided to write about Self Love, Mindfulness, Manifestation and named it Kiss the Mirror as that’s where it all began for me. Mirror work plus morning affirmations play a massive role in self-development. Professionally I decided much later to open doors to share what I learned & implemented in my life, with others to help them live life at their highest potential, and here we are now. 

2. When did you have your first encounter with manifestation? 

We are always manifesting. I never knew everything I had in my life was manifested by me. In 2015, I had a massive breakthrough when I manifested a major project with a big banner with whom I wanted to associate. That was my first aha moment knowing the fact that I could manifest anything I want, realizing all this while the power was within me.

When we understand Universal Laws, such as the Law of Attraction, we begin to realize the power we have to create our own reality. Manifesting is the practice of bringing things into our life through the way we shape our mindset. I’ve had endless amazing manifestation experiences which makes me feel so grateful, expressing our appreciation and saying thank you before and after manifesting our desires is so important and effective! 

3. How are meditation and manifestation connected? 

I love the combination of these two M’s. Both go hand in hand to help us in aligning and connecting with ourselves as the first step. 

Meditation makes your inner voice strong, reliable, neutral, and sensible, it also helps you in the present moment. The present moment is a present, cherish it. When you meditate, you are more able to train your mind to stay in the now. Manifesting is just taking an idea, concept, or fragment of your imagination and bringing it into your physical reality through the Law of Attraction. 

The Law of Attraction simply states that “like attracts like.” What you tend to focus on all day long, you will attract people, events, and circumstances of a similar vibration (or frequency) into your life. 

Since Meditation is a process where we charge ourselves just like we charge our devices. The only difference here is if we don’t charge our phone they don't function but with meditation, most people feel it’s difficult or time-consuming. Let me tell you one thing, once you see the power of regular meditation you wouldn’t want to miss out a day! 

Meditation is essentially an effective and easy way to reach the high vibration required to shift you out of the ‘asking mode’ and into the ‘receiving mode’. In other words, the more often you meditate, the faster your desires are able to manifest into your life.

Here’s a challenge!

Try meditating 15 minutes a day for 7 days.

Notice how it impacts your life, watch how your stress levels reduce as your vibration becomes heightened. Remember, like attracts like, so anything you can do to improve your overall mood is ultimately a good thing for the manifestation process. Building an image in the mind can be difficult for some but it becomes a lot easier when you are in a meditative state. 

Whether you are building the mental image yourself or using a guided meditation to help steer you into the depths of your imagination, the idea is that it allows you to focus on your desired image without distraction. And visualization has proven scientifically plus there are researches that state how massively it has helped athletes to attain the desired goal (speed to run). 

Being consistent is all it takes to become a manifestation magnet. Remember that Rome wasn’t built overnight and that daily practice is what anchors you to the magical aspects of who you are—bringing about limitless possibilities by manifesting destiny.

Meditation allows us to tap into the flow state (“the zone”) is which occurs whenever you are working on something in a state of peak focus and productivity. In this day and age where life is full of distractions, it’s getting harder and harder to be in the flow state for long periods of time. The flow state is required for manifestation because it allows us to put action into our desires and let me tell you ACTION (inspired actions that come from that inner voice) is the key to manifest our desires. 

Meditation puts you on the path of love and gratitude. It helps you acknowledge abundance in your life. When you express gratitude for what you have, you invite more to come your way. This keeps you on an unending roll of joy and contentment. In this way, it is effective for manifesting abundance in all areas of life.

4. Does one need a certain level of predeveloped psychological maturity to practice manifestation? How does one practice mindfulness on a daily basis?

There is no such need to have any pre-developed factor. Start with manifesting small things so you don’t get scared to try intentionally manifesting the bigger things. Right now is the best time to learn, talk and accept that we have the power to co-create our life. Get super clear on what you want and why you want it. Then, tap into that version of yourself that already has what you want and take action in the direction of your desires.

Start small, have a morning routine. We’ve been so wired to use our phones even before our eyes are fully open in the morning (I’ve been there too until 2014). No screen time is a non-negotiable for me to start and end the day. Connect with yourself with mirror work, look at yourself in the mirror and say I Love You, I appreciate you, I approve of you, Thank you. Say them while looking into your own eyes. This practice has helped me and even my clients both men and women for that matter. 

Morning rituals like journaling, expressing gratitude for things you are grateful for(start with 5 things), Meditate 5-10 Minutes, Say Affirmations, Eat well, Move and Hydrate yourself, Write daily intentions before your start your day. This takes 30 mins in the morning and adds 30X Value to the day, week, month, year & whole life.

5. How and where were you trained to gather your expertise? 

It started in my office where I would spend most of my time in between and after work to read books, watch videos and learn through all the courses I signed up for. It was the longest and the most passionate and heartfelt personal development plus honest learning time that I enjoyed to the core. Most of these courses are online so it helped me having fun while learning at my own comfort. 

I have learned right from John Assaraf, Tony Robbins, Louise Hay, Abraham Hicks, Dr. Josheph Murphy, Wayne Dyer, Bob Proctor, Ziva, Chopra Centre. I am Manifestation and Mindset Coach, Meditation Expert, Certified Ho’oponopono Expert, Affirmation and LOA Certified Expert, EFT expert, as well as Vision Board Expert. Along with all these, my own life experiences and lessons acted as my teachers. 

I started co-creating my life and the more I believed in myself, the more it helped me manifest all my desires. I have manifested so much in my personal and professional life. My husband is one of my top favorite manifestations and that story is super epic again as he is exactly what I wrote in my journal while I was manifesting my life partner. 

6. Who are your role models in life? Why?

I love the Why in this question! 

  • Tony Robbins for unleashing something inside of me that I still to this day cannot explain.
  • Louise Hay for teaching me the power of Affirmations.
  • Abraham Hicks for the lesson Ask, Believe and Receive.
  • Joe Vitale for Ho’oponopono technique and course.
  • Bob Proctor for constantly reminding me that I was on the right path and by trusting my inner guide, I would eventually open up my divine channels of abundance.
  • Napoleon Hill for all the lessons and books I got to read and watch from his wisdom to tap into the higher power of the mind. 
  • My parents who always created an example at home for the power of pure love and connection.

7. Finally, which books would you recommend for someone who's just beginning to explore the concept of manifestation?

Manifesting is my favorite word and it enables us to design a life we love. The act of being grateful for what we have while simultaneously imagining our dreams as if they are happening now. 

Before mentioning my favorite books I would like to add something about the process of manifesting: 

  1. Give thanks for what you have. 
  2. Clarify your goals
  3. Take time to imagine one goal as if it is happening now. 
  4. Detach from any outcome.

This process has the effect of closing the gap between your desires and those desires becoming reality.

A few books that’ll definitely help you learn more about manifestation:

Into the Magic Shop by James Doty, an acclaimed neuroscientist from Stanford University, and tells the story of an underprivileged boy from Orange County who, in a very unexpected way, learns to meditate. Specifically, he’s taught how to manifest dreams he can barely believe are possible, financially and career-wise. But over time, in the book and this boy’s actual life, every goal he sets comes true. 

Power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Murphy, Ask & It is Given by Esther Hicks, Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard, Breaking the habit of being yourself by Joe Dispenza, Power of Intention by Wayne Dyre amongst the many books I’ve read. These books are extremely powerful and helpful! I believe in the higher power and I have a tattoo “Believe” on my right hand so all I want you to know is when you believe you will see the magic for sure. 

Mansi Dhanak

Mansi Dhanak, Manifestation Coach 

Founder - @thebridesofindia @kissthemirrorofficial @missionjoshofficial


Interviewed By: Nishad Kinhikar