The Struggling Concept of Writer's Block: How to Overcome It?

In the era of creativity and greatness, most creative people come to a point where sometimes they cannot express themselves like they used to. For Instance, writers sometimes experience and suffer from writer's block at one point or another in their careers. They open a blank page on their computer so nothing comes to mind and nothing happens. What is writer's block? And what can we do to contend it?

What Is Writer Block? The Calm Before the Storm

While writers and creative people experience writer's block, some experts, like writer and psychologist Susan Reynolds, claim that it’s just a myth and not a psychological condition at all.Reynolds states that the hard truth is that writing is a challenging mental process that involves uncomfortable aspects like experimentation, uncertainty, and vulnerability. 

She notes that writing “requires more hard-core, cognitive expenditure than many other lines of work” and that’s why most writers struggle, not because of an inspiration-draining inhibition.Whether writer’s block is a real psychological issue or a term coined to give the challenges of writing a somewhat romantic flair, the reasons behind the struggle are numerous. 

Unfortunately, most writers and creative people who go through writer's block, start to have fear, self-criticism, external pressure, and perfectionism. Therefore, excessive self-criticism is what holds writers back from actually writing. Moreover, in other cases, the person who experiences writer's block doesn't want to write. 

You Are the Solution to What You Go Through

To fight Writer's block, you should put some tips in mind. First of all, exercise: One of the best ways to beat a case of writer’s block is by engaging in physical activity. In some studies, aerobic exercise such as running encourages the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that allows us to imagine new situations. 

Sometimes, changing the scenery gives you all you need to clear your head and get some ideas to write better. Furthermore, you can go out and write in a public place or a different environment to have some inspiration. 

However, some people cannot switch tasks, and they might find it so hard to do something different. And to do it differently, they should try to find the next thing they like to do but never tried it before, and go for it. For example, cooking, painting, or volunteering, and doing that can be a quick reset if they ever feel stuck.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, the only thing that will get you to overcome writer’s block is to write. However, it's okay to get bored sometimes, and it's okay to do nothing for a while until your energy is back again. And letting your brain get some rest can be beneficial to your creativity. 

Some people find nature very therapeutic, and they go on trips to let their mind wander in the beauty of nature. Try to write freely and write small segments; this can take the pressure out. 

Therefore, trying these tips helps you get the creative juices flowing again. Moreover, clear your head, get some rest, and refocus. And remember to change your swing; changing it is a good tip to overcome writer's block. You own it, and you got it!

Written By - Susan Ismail

Edited By - Nidhi Verma