A Bright Step by the British Government Towards the Long-Overdue Freedom


“The sun never sets on the British Empire”, whatever the reasons be, either good, bad or evil. From colonizing and brutalizing the larger part of African and Indian Subcontinent to Preaching and savaging the world with regards to the “so called civilized society”. It’s been self-explanatory.

“For all the Right Reasons”- Banning the Conversion Theory

However, this time the British may have made the headlines for striking the right chord. The discussion of same sex orientation has been talk of the town for a very long time. It’s been there for centuries and generations, and won’t end anytime soon.

For most part of the time and in most parts of the globe including India, it has often been categorized as a Taboo.

Societies and communities have not been the only entities which have shied away from accepting and acknowledging the LGBTQIA individuals, but even the governments. And world orders. We ignored it for a long time, now we can’t.

Exploitation and Brutality

People for some or the other reasons haven’t been able to understand and accept the fact that irrespective of the body that one is born into, one could be a totally different individual within oneself- “a man with traits of femininity.

A woman with masculinity, or an individual who hasn’t been able to decide as to what attributes he/she possesses.

History hasn’t been kind to these people. They have been brutalized in every single way that’s possible. Unspeakable atrocities that one can’t even think off have been imposed upon them.

They have been the part of our society since the beginning of time .In the modern era, we have counselors, support groups, LGBTQIA communities, movements and much more.

But when we think of during the time before industrial revolution took place, 18th century and before, they had no one to speak to or share their ordeal and daily struggles.

Even as of now, they have to go with the same sort of troubles on daily basis. Those people who have not been able to acknowledge the sexual orientation of others, have often termed it as an illness, disease, disorder and many more terrible things.

 More or less same story pretty much prevails across borders, communities, tribes and religion.

In fact, the ILGA world report has found out that at least one or more than one sort of Conversion ways are practiced in every single country in the world.

Hence, some thought that in order to cure this a new self-proclaimed mandate needs to be passed which they refer to as conversion therapy. It does sound very fancy and liberal, but in literal practice, it’s nowhere even close to it.

All sorts of cruel ways have been forced upon the individuals. Of course, it initiates with a conversation, there have been great orators that have been known in the history for changing the world once and for all, but even the greatest of orators can’t change the sexual orientation of an individual by simply talking their way into it.

Since, no such thing like counselling existed few centuries back, the one antidote that one could think of are the religious preachers. They have resorted to pathetic ways like corrective rapes and even exorcism. Even the top prominent churches have been found wanting in these heinous practices.

Physical and Sexual assault have been the most common forms of atrocities imposed upon the LGBTQIA individuals, in certain Arab and Communist countries, any person found to have been practicing the same-sex marriages and relationships or even changing the orientation of their physical appearance have been executed publicly.

Startling Numbers

To go by the figures, the numbers of individuals who have been offered, forced or compelled to be a part of any sort of conversion therapy is in hundreds of thousands. 2-10% of the individuals of the LGBTQIA community have faced it. Considering the individuals are numbered in millions, thousands have been forced to bear the abuse.

In countries like China, those figures are as high as 25%, and to add to that sudden disappearances of many LGBTQIA individuals which are never to be found again, dead or alive.


British Following the Queue

The Queen Elizabeth II in her annual address to the House of Lords, declared that the British Govt. will seek to ban all sorts of conversion therapy which is aimed at any individual of LGBTQIA community in order to change their sexual orientation which one prefers.

The Boris Johnson’s govt. was under extreme pressure from various communities and prominent people since 2018, when his predecessor, Theresa May promised to abolish these “Abhorrent” practices.

Things are not expected to change overnight, it is not expected to be made a mandate right away. It is believed that the British government will take consultations from many think tanks and representatives about the legislation that needs to be implemented.

A proper law which would state how the LGBTQIA individuals need to be protected and any person wanting to change their Status-Quo by force shall be dealt with.

Since, over thousands of churches, mosques and other religious places which are part of various communities known to have been involved in some sort of conversion therapies in the name of religion and faith based cleansing, needs to be regulated.

It’s won’t be wise to simply ask them stop certain activities which they have been practicing for centuries and expect it to accept the mandate hands down. A proper transformation of new law must be implemented swiftly and peacefully.

Even though certain people who act as counselors and help groups which believe that they can have peaceful conversation with LGBTQIA individuals will function as long as it’s peaceful and all stakeholders participate voluntarily. 

To go along with it, the mandate will also provide proper statutory, moral and financial to the victims and survivor. There is a long way to go in this prospect, but the silver lining is that at least the responsible people in the administration are talking about it.

Britain is not the first one to think in this direction, countries like Malta, Brazil and Puerto Rico have already legislatively repelled any of these practices from existing in their homeland, British should definitely follow the queue.

Written by – Subhankar Singh

Edited by – Adrija Saha