Mystery of Space And The Findings Revealed: Cosmology, Relativity and More

Everything around us other than the earth we live on is mysterious. Even our mother earth keeps giving us new surprises now and then. This mysterious space around our planet earth is filled with many things as well as a lot of void space.

Every time, scientists try and find out new things from this void space. There are talks about other creatures other than humans in the universe. Scientists are also doing their best to find out what exactly lies in this void and dark space.


As all of us know astronomy deals with everything in the universe apart from earth and its atmosphere. It comprises of the objects that we see with our naked eyes like the sun, moon, planets, etc., and the objects that are visible with special instruments like the telescope. 

But many of us do not know about cosmology which is a part of astronomy. Cosmology deals with the origin and the evolution of the universe, various galaxies, and the planets. But mainly it deals with the evolution of the universe from the big bang theory.

Latest Findings Of The DES

Our universe is a vast area filled with various objects and void spaces. The galaxies are held together by filaments. These are in a gargantuan tangle which is called the cosmic web. 

The scientists of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) which is an international team of hundred scientists produced a mega document of 30 papers. Of which one is a huge map of the dark matter web. 

The map covers an unidentified material that covers more than a quarter of the vast universe. It has a lot of information that has not been spoken about yet. 

What The Map Shows

The map created by the scientists is one of the largest maps ever created using the treasures of information found during various observations analyzed using various algorithms and many other similar and usual techniques used. 

The map mainly depicts the differences in the map constructed using various other techniques and also shows the advantages and disadvantages of the use of different science cases. 

This map is really interesting and they believe that they will be able to find out answers for the questions that are unanswered to date.

Method Used To Create This Map

The scientists were able to create this map with one of the most promising techniques used in cosmology called weak gravitational lensing. It is a statistical method that provides a method to measure the masses of astronomical objects.

Moreover, this method does not require many assumptions about the composition or its dynamic state. This method helps in mapping the distribution of dark matter on a huge scale which would have been difficult if the materials don’t produce detectable light.

Observations Of The Team

The scientists observed around 3222 voids of empty spaces. They say that these large can stretch about a hundred million light-years but it contains only a few galaxies. In some cases, there is nothing found in those void spaces. These voids are interesting spaces for scientists as they act as laboratories for them. 

The main reason is that gravity appears to be a bit different compared to other regions of the universe. There are a few who suggest that it is inside these cosmic voids where the change in gravity occurs.

Einstein’s Theory Of General Relativity

The theory of general relativity is one of the most famous theories of Albert Einstein published in the year 1915. This theory is a geometric theory of gravitation. It explains the geometry of a four-dimensional manifold representing space-time and the momentum in that space-time. 

It is the inertial motion within the curved geometry of space-time. It is mainly responsible for explaining how the galaxies were formed and the concept of a black hole.

Their Next Step

The next step that these scientists want to do is to analyze everything that they have got on this map and come out with new concepts and explanations about various mysteries of the universe. These findings also confirm the various models that are already existing and those which are studied about. 

The scientists also say that the findings show that the cosmic web is slightly smoother in distributions than the models that were predicted earlier. 

Though our space around us is filled with mysteries we human beings are trying to find out what exactly lies in that void space which is dark and pitches black. 

All this information was conveyed by the co-lead of the Des team Niall Jeffrey who feels that the field of cosmology is going to boom in the coming years to its greatest heights. Space is a mystery but we humans find it a thrill in researching and making mystery into histories.

Written by – Krishaa Radhakrishnan
Edited by - Akanksha Sharma