Tribal People and How They Are Different

Tribal or Tribes; whenever we hear these terms it’s always in our brain, an imaginary picture of some people wearing animal skin or barks of the tree and using things that can only be found in an area like a forest or desert or any other natural location.

Tribes have always been part of our lives. We study about them, learn about their culture, and some of us may have even interacted with them.

What is a Tribal community and How are they different from us?

We even need to learn and understand and respect their culture as well; So the term tribal community does not have one definition; rather it has many as suggested by different anthropologists like Taylor, Morgon, Perry and many more. Though all these anthropologists have different definitions but they do have some similarities in them too, they all focused on one thing that demarcated us from those primitive groups of people who are classified in a better way as Tribal and Non Tribal.

Many attempts have been made to understand the cultural and social difference between these two groups on the basis of their territorial race, religion, economy, political autonomy etc.

Now as we know the reason for difference in the definitions provided by these anthropologists let’s being with a very orthodox one that is extracted from dictionary of anthropology where Tribal are described as “Tribe is a social group, usually with a definite are, dialect, cultural homogeneity, and unifying social organization It may include several subs - groups, such as sibs or villages.

It may and may have common ancestors as well as presiding deities. The families or small communities making up a tribe, are linked through economic, social, religious, or blood ties i.e. kingship bondage.” So by this simple definition we can definitely understand that it’s not just between the tribal and the non- tribal rather it is majorly between the tribes only.

Indigenous Tribes in India

India is a diverse country and it’s diversity can be seen in every sphere whether it is class, caste, religion, ethnicity, geographical feature and tribes as well, difference in the topography of India the tribes found here belong to very different cultures and the way they use the products found around them.

Indigenous tribal groups makes up to 8% of Indian population, these groups have preserved elements of traditional lifestyles that are close to nature, and this is the only reason why we say that tribal are primitive as they are directly dependent on what is around them.

For instance the tribal who live near western Ghats of India have been the custodians of the environment for centuries before the terms ecosystem, biodiversity or even nature were coined. 

Recognizing their important role as custodians of the unique ecosystems of western Ghats and taking advantage of new opportunities, such as passing up of Forest Rights Act, CEPF grants have been supporting indigenous tribal people for reaffirmation and gaining recognition of their links to places and resources and strengthen cultural and economic ties to nature. Their stories illustrate how conservation is a social process, for and by people.

Written By - Vanshu Verma