When Is the World Adult Day Celebrated? What Is Its Significance?

Source-unique news online

The World Adult Day is celebrated on 18th November; by World Health Organization (WHO) is imitative to urge people to live with the adults in order to keep more harmony in society for livelihood.

As the parents in the older ages are dependent on their children for economic, social, and psychological support; so the need of the hour is to maintain the sense of belongingness between both the parent and child.  The nuclear factor is the aging of the population and most of the people are getting older and need support in all spheres.
The life expectancy rates for both women and men have shown an incredible increase with 80 years old respectively which elicits more nurture and care.
So there is a need to amend the day according to the changing need of the hour, in order to create more peace in living with the targeted goal of any governance, NGOs, people, etc.
But here we go for the newer perspective i.e. the need for Adult Day aged between the age group 20 – 50 years. This particular age group faces a lot of mental and social stress in order for the need for affirmation and a sense of conformity and belongings in the environment they reside in. 
The New Perspective
Mental health issues are constantly gaining more importance within all ages; the age group of suffering is more psychological, physically because they are constantly involved in the process of evolving.
The adult day celebrated only gave emphasis to the sense of relationship building between the parent and the child. Thus it needs the amendment of a newer perspective in order to serve the Harmony with more peace and resolution.
The discussion of mental health and other issues are less discussed and given less importance even in the matter of mind and peers( close friends). Even a peer is unable to keep in consideration the need for affirmation and conformity of the identity within one culture. 
The Superman or superwoman tag is been given to the adults if they are able to maintain the equilibrium between work and life. The pressure to get the right fit in the pedestal is like a watershed moment in one's life; no one gets rewarded for this classification but to be accepted in all spheres in the society and sense of identity is at the mammoth peak.
Mental health was given importance but they fear acceptance to agree one's own mental health. But the need was at its peak which was the acceptance and awareness of one own self.
The global coronavirus covid 19 where the world suddenly paused and the people for people concept was given more importance where people were trying to reach each other in order to fulfill their sense of belongingness.
Mental health issues were given more importance. The economic and psychological pressure was being recognized respectively.
Hence there is the need for the hour to discuss every social and psychological aspect that is a crucial part of one's life.
Some Challenges faced by the Adults:-
Societal Pressure = the need for acceptance of one identity in a particular culture. 
Personal Pressure = the need for affirmation and a sense of belongingness within the peers.
Peer pressure = seeing your peers being more successful and ahead in the environment.
Culture pressure= the acceptance of different norms and behaviors in a cultural setting. 
Psychological pressure = interplay of thoughts within one own consciousness and the matter of mind over Matter and awareness. 
Economical pressure = unable to be financially equipped. 
The need is to accept one own self and be more conscious with respect to compassion and concentration. The social taboo is still available in all the cultural settings of the world .
The need is to decrease the pressure being faced in all spheres and there should be amendments with respect to world Adult Day.
Change is Constant; as time is evolving newer amendments to days and events in order to bring more peace and resolution to the world.
Written By : Chitra

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