7 Reasons Why Coca-Cola Is a Marketing Success on a Worldwide Scale


Source: Marketing360

Here is a quick introduction to Coca-Cola before we get started. The Coca-Cola Company is a global beverage company with a presence in more than 200 nations. Coca-Cola has more than 86 million fans and followers across its primary brand channels. Products like Diet Coke complement Coca-Cola's large community. Each medium employs a different strategy while retaining a consistent brand message.

Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand. Therefore it's safe to say that it has some knowledge of effective international marketing. Despite being over a century old, Coke dominates the market in product sales, marketing, and brand positioning. Some of the essential components of the venerable beverage company's strategies and initiatives include the following:

1. Two-Way Communication

Coca-Cola has done an excellent job of engaging in two-way dialogue with its Twitter followers. The fact that Coca-Cola prioritizes its brand over its product is a factor in its success. Coca-Cola doesn't sell soft drinks in bottles; it sells "happiness." As a result, Coke seeks to sell people the culture and emotions that go with the Coca-Cola brand. For example, Coke recently revealed a new packaging campaign in which they created 2 million unique bottle designs.

2. Strategic Campaigns

Coca-Cola developed a social strategy around The World Cup that everyone participated in, regardless of whether they are fans of soccer or not. This extensive strategy can be seen on most brands' social media channels.

3. Personalization

Coca-Cola knows it needs to find a way to connect with customers on a more personalized and local level. Even though the brand is a worldwide icon. The company's "Share a Coke" initiative, which was first launched in Australia in 2011, has been successfully implemented in more than 50 nations.

4. Crowdsourcing

Coca-Cola executes this brilliantly. People enjoy being a part of the creative process. If given a chance, they will support any brand wholeheartedly. Coca-Cola works with influencers like Ryan Seacrest to promote its crowdsourcing strategies. To encourage people to contribute their selfies to their enormous project, this campaign, which is a lead-up to the World Cup in Brazil, has used several influencers.

5. Great Social Media Presence

Success is measured by how well-designed Coca-social Cola's media presence is. Based on what the audience wants, Coca-Cola develops its approach. With the most common names of each region placed on cans and bottles in place of the corporate name, each country's goods are tailored to its unique culture and language.

6. The Coca-Cola Fan Page

The Coca-Cola fan page, which has over 3 million fans, was started by two Coca-Cola superfans a few years ago. Coca-Cola handled it in an extremely clever manner. Instead of asserting their legal rights, they brought the men to the Brand Headquarters, gave them brand stuff, and encouraged them to work with them on managing and moderating the page. It's important to accept everything positively and to commit to managing and promoting its ongoing growth.

7. Accept New Media

Coca-Cola hasn't been hesitant to explore novel forms of content. They are doing well on almost all social media channels. Unlike its Instagram or Facebook strategy, it produces content on Tumblr that is effective for the Tumblr audience.

How Coca-Cola Uses Its Social Media?

  • Coca-Cola does an excellent job of striking a balance between product promotion and spontaneous imagery that is supposed to keep things light and entertaining. Social content needs to understand this idea.

  • Nobody likes constant sales pitches. Coca-Cola gives its customers something to enjoy, and they value the brand even more as a result.

  • Coca-Cola has 3.4 million followers on Twitter, and they follow the brand closely. Direct @Replies make up about 83% of Coca-Tweets. Cola's This strategy is used as a customer service tool as well as a way to express gratitude to brand-loyal followers.

  • Coca-Cola is recognized as one of the top brand stories on Tumblr. Where Happiness Lives Online is the tagline of the beverage company's Tumblr page, which is difficult to miss.

  • Coca-Cola has utilized video on Instagram more than the majority of other brands. It has been successful since four of its previous 15 posts have been videos. Each of these four videos has received hundreds of comments and on average 6K likes.

Bottom Line

To create a thriving worldwide brand, what can we learn from Coca-Cola? Even after 125 years, Coca-Cola continues to be an industry leader thanks to a variety of global marketing strategies, including forging personal connections, being inventive while adhering to basic values, and developing branded experiences.

Written by Garima Jain