Garima Bhaskar - You Don’t Absolutely Need to Buy the Most Expensive Camera (Photographer from India)

 Photoshop and shooting in manual mode are very important. One cannot learn photography without knowing how to work in manual mode. In the beginning, everyone starts out by using mobile editing apps. But after a while, one should upskill themselves to use software like Photoshop and Lightroom.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I initially pursued Btech in CS. I graduated back in 2018. I had always loved shooting photographs but never knew that it can also become a profession. With the money I saved from internships doing content writing and help from my mom, I got my first camera in 2016. I began shooting randomly to my heart’s content and slowly moved to take up projects. This started in 2016. In 2018, I got placed in an IT firm in Bangalore. 

When faced with a decision between choosing a safe job and giving my passion a try, I chose what I was passionate about. Because it was the only time I had no responsibilities financially and could take a risk.

2. How and when did you realize your passion for photography?

In 2018, when I had to sign the offer letter and make it official, I realized I don’t actually see myself in that position. I wanted to be my own boss and do something I really love.

3. What are some tips you would like to share with amateur photographers?

You don’t absolutely need to go out there and buy the most expensive camera to learn photography. The best camera is the one you can afford, not the most expensive one. Be consistent, don’t give up if you don’t succeed in a few weeks or months. 

Good things take time. Patience and the will to learn something new every day is important.

4. What are the important skills one should have to be a successful photographer?

Photoshop and shooting in manual mode are very important. One cannot learn photography without knowing how to work in manual mode. In the beginning, everyone starts out by using mobile editing apps. 

But after a while, one should upskill themselves to use software like Photoshop and Lightroom.

5. What are various opportunities available for aspiring photographers?

It all depends on what kind of photographer one wants to be. Cafes, small biz, and content creators need photographers all the time. 

Good quality work always gets recognized. Instagram can be a great source of getting work in addition to having a professional portfolio set up on Behance. 

6. Which is your favorite book and why?

I’m not much of a reader, though I was a few years back. I have two favorites, Ikigai and Atomic Habits. 

Brief Bio:

Garima Bhaskar



Loves the sunshine a little too much!

Delhi, India

Product: @garimashares

Work enquiries:


Interviewed By - Aarya Gode

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