Radhika Sharma - Keep Working Hard (Video Creator, Blogger with 527K+ followers)

 For me, the idea of success is having the liberty and the freedom to live my life on my own terms and I am so grateful that this platform has given me the freedom to choose my clients, to choose my day or how I want to live my day and the freedom to just say no to the brands or no to work which does not align with my thinking. 

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I was working as I am a PGDM, I did my MBA and started working right after graduating and worked as a business research analyst for three and half years before I decided to quit my job initially my idea was to do freelancing and find a remote job and at that time before covid.

It was not very easy to find remote jobs because working from home and freelancing jobs were not that common and started working on vlogs side by side and working on my Instagram along with that earning a little bit from my freelancing jobs and then soon I started growing and started my youtube channel in 2020 and now fast forward to present it has been 5 years of doing this and I am loving it too much.

2. What is your favorite thing about blogging? Why did you start blogging?

My favorite thing about blogging is passing on the information to everyone whoever is following and when they DM me that my information has helped them so much in Planning and their journey has become so smooth and it really helps them to travel better and more conveniently, it really gives me joy knowing that whatever information and knowledge I have I am able to pass on that knowledge to other people 

It is helping them this is why I started blogging in the first place because when I started creating an income stream or generating money or making a career out of it was never my priority or I never even knew or thought that something like that would be possible.

3. Is it financially sustainable to be a blogger today and why do you think so?

YES it is more than financially sustainable it is actually paying me more than what my corporate job used to pay me and even working a lot more but the results and the rewards are way too much compared to my corporate job and if you are doing it correctly if you know how to monetize your skills.

If you know how to sell your skills and how to get returns from your business it is very sustainable although a lot of hard work is needed to understand how to monetize and it takes a lot of time, initially, it's an investment as you are paying out of your pocket to grow after that returns are very good.

4. What is your idea of success or mantra in your life?

For me, the idea of success is having the liberty and the freedom to live my life on my own terms and I am so grateful that this platform has given me the freedom to choose my clients, to choose my day or how I want to live my day and the freedom to just say no to the brands or no to work which does not align with my thinking. 

I never count success as having this much money in my bank account or having my own car or house, if you’re able to find to a find a job or a freelancing work or to develop a business or what so ever role giving you the freedom to live your day on your own terms I guess that’s the best.

5. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content?

Inspiration to churn out content I would say the everyday elements and I am able to learn and experience new things every day, for instance when I go to a new country and learn something about their culture for EXAMPLE, Singapore has banned chewing gum I was like oh my god! 

I need to tell this to my people because it is such a new thing or may we go to Vanuatu, you’ll be able to see lava and people don’t know about these remote countries and letting them know about all these aspects of the world that is my inspiration for creating more and more.


6. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring creators?  

Advice to aspiring creators is just to keep working hard. Don’t think whether the returns will come or not just love the craft and don’t start thinking that you want to monetize it because according to me none of us started for money, for growing or getting viral also when we started the reels option was also not present on Instagram and we just use to post the things. 

I think all of us started because we genuinely love traveling and wanted to share it with people and that is what worked for us, so don’t go with the mindset of going viral and creating fast content as it lacks a relatability factor and people will forget about you, creating a relationship with your audience is a slow process but the most rewarding process and better than going viral quickly.

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book - The Secret for Manifestation.

Brief Bio:

Radhika Nomllers
Video creator

Once upon a time I promised myself I won't live an average life
Adventure Traveler 
250k+ on YouTube

Interviewed By - Aarya Gode

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