Harika - Start With the Intention That You Are Doing This Because It Is Your Passion (Instagram Influencer With 21k+ Followers)

I started a channel where I posted my mom’s recipes as a guide for myself.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

Hi, I'm Harika from Vijayawada, AP. I worked as a Deputy Manager in a private bank for five years after completing my graduation. I later moved to Saudi Arabia after getting married, and now I'm happily managing my home and creating content.

2. When did you first decide that you wanted to create content and how did you start?

The reason I started creating content is because I didn't know anything about cooking, not even the names of pulses and flours. My marriage had just been arranged, and I realized it would be difficult to call my mom every time I needed a recipe, especially with the time difference. 

So, I started a channel where I posted my mom’s recipes as a guide for myself. That was my main intention. After moving to Saudi Arabia, I initially relied on my videos to cook. Eventually, I developed a love for cooking. It became therapeutic for me. I started exploring and experimenting with different dishes, and I still do.

3. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content? 

Inspiration comes from within when you love what you do. But sometimes, I too feel low when my videos don’t work well all. Touchwood, I have so many beautiful people around me, especially my husband. He supports and encourages me a lot. He and my other friends give suggestions, share ideas, and boost me to get back on track.

4. What does your typical day look like?

I’m a morning person, so I wake up early. I am a little health-conscious. I start my day with meditation, stretching, and a few exercises. After preparing breakfast and lunch for my husband, I finish all my work by noon. Then, I make time to talk to my family in India. 

Following that, I edit my videos and post them. Next, I indulge in one of my favorite activities, watching Korean dramas. In the evening, my husband and I discuss our day and spend quality time together before having dinner. Nighttime chores are taken care of by my husband. I also prefer to sleep early.

5. Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book is 'Life is What You Make It' by Mrs. Preeti Shenoy. This is the first book I ever read in my life, and it sparked my interest in reading. The book revolves around a woman in her 20s who faces various difficult situations and depicts how she stands up for herself and overcomes them.

6. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring creators?  

Start with the intention that you are doing this because it is your passion. Keep your expectations low. It doesn’t work the same way for everyone. Be patient and do whatever you do with love.


I'm a homemaker and content creator, mostly packing lunch boxes and making recipe videos. We have stopped making many recipes that our mothers and grandmothers used to make. I don’t want our authentic recipes to extinct. So I try to make them more often and want to carry those to the next generation because they shouldn’t miss the fun we had :)

Interviewed by - Ashmeet Kaur

Edited by- Arunangshu Chatterjee

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