Kurdistan Referendum: Advantages and Disadvantage


Kurdistan Referendum: July 8, 2017 President Barzani, announced that a referendum would be held in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq in order to determine whether to remain part of Iraq, or to establish a Kurdish state.

As the region and the Iraqi government were in tense relations and many problems, and the advent of the Islamic state had a great impact on exacerbating these differences.

Despite the many calls for Kurdistan government to retreat, the leaders insisted on proceeding with the referendum, which created internal and external problems for Kurdistan, and this referendum had many advantages and disadvantages aspects, including what we will mention.


Strengthen the internal relations in Kurdistan and unite the ranks and strengthen the internal front, which will adhere more to their national rights.

It will also open their eyes on the dangers surrounding serious and practical thinking to establish a state can stand in the face of challenges to weaken the power of those who sank the region and corruption will not be a state in the presence of all this amount of corruption.

Self-sufficiency Kurdistan Region Unfortunately, it was idle in the years of oil prosperity and it imported 90% of its needs from neighboring countries.

Agriculture in Kurdistan collapsed, and faced a flaccid state that relies on the consumption principle and the siege on Kurdistan. Establishment of local factories and abandonment of external products.

Separation from Turkey. Perhaps this is the most important achievement achieved by this referendum so far.

Kurdistan was not going to separated from Iraq but was going to separate from Turkey as it was almost occupied by Turkey, whether economically or even militarily due to the presence of intensive Turkish companies as well as military bases within Kurdistan.

Despite the existence of international rejection of the referendum of Kurdistan, but the establishment of a Kurdish state in the region against the influence of the new Ottoman, which almost swallowed the region during the Arab Spring. Also repelled against the expansion of Iranian influence in the region, and the West can rely on them if recognizes it as ally of them.

Economic siege gained people international sympathy and this comes under the heading of creating international public opinion for sympathy and acceptance of the Kurdish state. Also, the results of the referendum forced the federal government to return to the dialogue table with Kurdistan government.



Strained relations with the federal government in Baghdad, where the federal government announced the closure of border crossings with Kurdish airspace in front of commercial transactions.

Deterioration of relations with neighboring countries, which all the needs of Kurdistan comes from them, Ankara has announced the closure of the border with Kurdistan. Iran has announced measures to close crossings with Erbil.

Kurdistan has lost many international allies, the first of which is the United States, which has refused to stand by the region for fear of destabilizing Iraq at a time when the war on Islamic State has not put an end to it. Washington called on the Kurds to look for an "alternative course"

Measures will have a major impact on the economy of Kurdistan, oil revenues, trade with the closure of land ports, and will raise the cost of living significantly increase the cost of raw materials and Kurdistan cannot now achieve financial resources from the domestic economy, because of its inability to export oil supplier the first of the economy in Kurdistan.

Loss of foreign investment in Kurdistan, led companies to leave Kurdistan and search for another market because of the link of investment decisions to the procedures of the central government and the consular procedures in the region, some of which called for the withdrawal or closure or freezing of diplomatic representation.

As well as, those measures reflected on investment decisions, local and foreign in Kurdistan, and caused great confusion, especially as the Kurdistanis already suffering from a financial crisis.

The referendum took place on time, and since the first week, Kurdistan was on the brink of war with Iraq, but international mediation stopped it, in addition to Kurdistan entry into a suffocating siege after that. Then the negotiations and dialogue took place until the siege ends. But the Kurdistan lost many of the privileges it had.


Written by – Abduljalil Abdulrahman Haji

Edited by – Adrija Saha