Noelle Nams - I Believe Everything In This World Has a Story to Tell (Amazon Bestselling Author)

Noelle Nams is a creative communicator, published author of 3 books with her debut poetry collection series “Unconditional” as #1 New Release on Amazon and an Amazon Best Seller for 6 weeks now. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of Yours Truly Magazine; cultivating a network of inspiring creators globally. 

Nams is a Distinguished Toastmaster, very fond of sharing inspiring and motivational stories through public speaking. Coming from an IT background and bestowed with the prestigious “Award for Excellence” from Infosys in India, she is also a social media enthusiast. 

A social activist, she has volunteered and worked with multiple NGOs; as a fellow for Junior Achievement USA, Operation Paws for Homes US, The Bridge USA, TEDxPune, and Campaign Lead for Teach for India, to name a few. In her leisure time, she loves cooking, gardening, and travelling.

Tell us more about your background and journey.

I am a creative communicator, poet, public speaker, entrepreneur, and a published author of 3 books. I have enjoyed writing since my childhood. My works have been published in national daily newspapers, magazines and anthologies worldwide.

Born and brought up in India, I currently reside in the US. I hold a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and a Diploma in Creative Writing in English. I have worked for 5 years at an Indian IT company Infosys. For my contribution to the company I received the most prestigious award at Infosys, “The Award for Excellence”.

I also love contributing to society, a feeling imbibed in me since a very young age. These are some of my notable accomplishments in that field: Teach for India – Campaign Lead for Pune City in India (also awarded the Campaign Lead of the Year – 2017), TEDxPune Organizer, Junior Achievement USA Fellowship, Volunteer at Operation Paws for Home – dogs foster and rescue NGO in the US and a volunteer at The Bridge where I taught ESL to non-immigrants in the USA. For my love of public speaking, I also achieved the Distinguished Toastmasters Award – the highest recognition given to a member at Toastmasters International.

I published my first book, “It’s all bcoz of you” a romantic fiction novel, at 22 yrs. of age through Diamond Pocket Books Publishing House, New Delhi in India. My recently published poetry collection series “Unconditional”, which I self-published between Aug. 2020 and Feb. 2021 has been the #1 New Release on Amazon (both books). I also launched my Unconditional Merchandise in Dec 2020 to share “Unconditional is a way of life” with the world; something that I truly believe in.

When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

It was not a single moment that led me to think about it. This seed of being a writer has been growing with me. As a child, I was fascinated by folklores, comics and magazines. In my 5th grade, I started making a scrapbook on Tigers, which I wanted to get published. In my 7th grade I wrote a story on a Rabbit Prince “Alive”, and a Squirrel Princess “Rose” – an eternal love story called “The Alive Rose” and I was all set to present my first-ever children’s book to the world. But then I thought otherwise.

During high school, I started reading a lot of young Indian authors which intrigued me to pursue the path of getting my own novel published. That is when I wrote my first novel, “It’s all bcoz of you” and amidst everything else happening in my life, I published it straight out of my college. So honestly, there’s always been a calling from my heart to become a writer and I am just glad I kept following the cues.

Is it a financially stable career?

More than the financial aspect of it, I look at writing as something that one is passionate about. Writing to me is about weaving stories, letting your imagination soar higher like there is no end or limit to it, and expression – as you find your voice and communicate your opinions. To me, writing is truly unconditional.

I believe when hard work meets passion, success eventually follows.

Who is your favourite writer and why?

Choosing a single writer as my favourite is too hard. I’ll list down the ones that I enjoy reading the most: Sydney Sheldon, Dan Brown, Nicholas Spark and JoJo Moyes. I think I can read their books anytime, any day. I also love poetry by Walt Whitman and Rabindranath Tagore.

Where does your inspiration lie?

Stories! I believe everything in this world has a story to tell; be it family, day to day life events, nature, people I meet on my leisure walks, animals, just anything. And I am always curious to know these stories.

What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring writers?

This is something that I read by Margaret Atwood, “Fail, fail better! Write, write better!” And I think this is my advice to all the aspiring writers as well. On some days you might have to force yourself to get those words out from your body but, just sit with yourself, hold your hand, and write.

Which is your favourite book and why?

My most favourite book in recent years is Origins by Dan Brown. This book is, hands down, a thriller masterpiece; something that kept me at the edge of my seat until I finished reading it. And the ending still blew my mind. I loved that entire story package.

I am also affectionate to “Me before you” by JoJo Moyes. I guess reading love stories is my favourite and this one took me on a very special emotional journey, tugging at my heart as I cried reading the end of this novel.

Connect with her here: Instagram

Interviewed by - Subham Biswas

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  1. Oh! This! Everything about this! Noelle you are an amazing PHENOMENAL woman and I am so happy to know you. All your accomplishments are almost intimidating but it just leaves me in wonder and amazement that someone who has done all of this can be so kind, open and sweet to every single person she meets! You leave me with a drive to be more like this everyday and so I am glad to have ventured into your company in the poetry community! The response to the financial question and the advice to aspiring writers are my favourite responses!!! What a beautiful interview!

    1. Thank you Chanelle, you lovely most adorable and affectionate human I met online. Thank you so much!!
