Hamster's Normal And Abnormal Behavior

Hamsters are cute little minions you can ever ask for. As a hamster owner, it’s important to understand your hamster’s behaviours and be able to identify when something might be wrong or not. Hamsters are very friendly and active but not all the time. So here are some behaviours you need to know when you buy a hamster.

Normal Behaviors

1) Being More Active At Night

If your hamster is awake and running around its habitat at night, then don’t worry this is a sign of a normal hamster’s behaviour. they are less active during the day and more active at night. They are energetic and will exercise for three to four hours each night.

2) Always Chewing Stuff

You may notice your hamster chewing regularly. Don’t worry, chewing behaviour in hamsters is a way for these small animals to grind down their teeth. Hamster front teeth are constantly growing. Since they are always growing, they need to be filed daily so they chew all the time. You should give them Things like wooden blocks or crunchy food that are good for them to chew on.

3) Stuffing Their Face

Hamsters use their cheek pouches to carry and store food. Do you know? hamsters can carry up to 50 per cent of their body weight in their cheeks. The cheek pouches are used to transport food. After stuffing their cheek pouches with food, they will take it back to their burrow or special hiding place and empty the pouches into their food store.

4) Hiding In Places

Hamsters hide as a means of protection and staying safe. So, if you see your hamster hiding in their habitat, you do not need to worry They will usually hide when they want to rest. This is how they stay safe while they sleep from predators.

Abnormal Behaviour

1) Hibernating

If there is a sudden drop in temperature in a hamster’s environment, a hamster may go into hibernation. A pet’s habitat should be kept at normal household temperatures to maintain a healthy pet. while although may be normal for hamsters, it shouldn’t ever happen with your pet at home. 

2) Lethargy

hamsters are active and energetic animals, so if you see a hamster that lacks energy. You should immediately show them to a pet doctor. Hamsters do not show signs of sickness until they are very sick.

3) Not Eating

A healthy hamster should have a healthy appetite, so if your hamster is not eating or is refusing food, there may be something wrong. just a few hours without eating or drinking, they can get dehydrated very easily.

 4) Not Chewing

If your hamster’s teeth look overgrown and you don’t see your hamster chewing regularly—even if you’ve supplied proper chewing tools—this is a sign of possible concern.

5) Constantly Hiding

Hamsters do hide, but it’s mostly when they are sleeping. If your hamster is hiding constantly during regular awake or play periods, it may be a sign of anxiety or stress. They may do this if a cat [or another animal] is constantly watching them.