Khushboo Sikarwar- Even if You Never Want to Work, You Will Because the Type of Community You Join Determines How Fast You Will Progress (Content Creator with 99k+ Followers From India)

Khushboo Sikarwar

I was consistent for 1 year, so that means whoever wishes to become a content creator can. He can be consistent with their work. That one quality stays consistent, so he can also become a successful content creator. There is no day when I haven't posted content for 1 year.

1. Tell us more about yourself and your journey.

Hey! I’m Khushboo Sikarwar, a Twenty-Three-year old digital coach. I belong to a very humble family. I started my first business in computer classes at the age of 20. I faced many problems running this business and later failed in it. After that, I started my next company as a liberal wedding planner. This type of business is very difficult for me because I have no experience with weddings. Still, I took action and started a company with 4 people.

But after that, I entered a digital world. I faced many failures in the digital world. I began my journey with Instagram and started building a personal brand on Instagram in 2021. After seeing many failures, I refused to feel bogged down by that and instead focused on training and investing in myself. After multiple tries and multiple attempts, I cracked the Instagram growth and content creation formula and eventually hit the bull’s eye. I gained 20k+ followers on Instagram in just 7 days. Constant learning and strong determination made me capable and confident enough to start coaching businesses and work towards making the ordinary extraordinary, whether products or people. That's my sweetest and smallest journey.

2. How and when did you decide that you wanted to create content on Instagram?

It had happened in life that whatever I was starting, I was failing in it. I don’t know what was happening, but it was happening to me. After doing so many businesses, I had come to understand that making a name is very important. If you want to run a business, so at that time, I thought that I had to build my brand first, as if I was following a lot of YouTubers. 

I used to watch all the YouTubers. That he used to launch anything His sales boomed in only one day. So I thought I should work on YouTube. Content must be created. The name should be made. But YouTube takes a lot of effort and time to make it big. Search a little more about what can be done in place of YouTube, and it turns out that there are a lot of good people doing Instagram. There was a lockdown, so there was no option to do anything. So I felt that I wanted to create content. Let's start with Instagram and see what happens.

3. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content while making reels on Instagram?

There was no such inspiration because nothing was known about the field. I had just started on Instagram, which is a very good platform because of the community feature here. Even if you never want to work, you will because the type of community you join determines how fast you will progress.

So when you achieve your desired result, go and join the best community which will help you on your journey. 

Nothing will be needed. You must be seeing those people who are doing so much work. Your comments on them must be coming good. His audience is interacting with us. and his content is going well. If you see all of this, you will understand why none of this is happening.

It will remain like this from the beginning. If we do not compete, then we should not score more just like that. If you play with the best player, then you will also start working a lot and doing so much hard work to grab the position like the best player.

When I started working on Instagram, there was no reel feature on Instagram. One will understand this new feature has come. 

We support it now because it will support us in the future too. then started making reels from there.

4. How do you earn through Instagram and reels and how can others earn from it too?

There are many ways to earn money from Instagram Reels.

You can sell services on Instagram. Just like me, I give the services of Instagram marketing to businesses.

Lots of brands are ready to pay you if you build an audience on your Instagram page just like me. And seriously, brands pay lots of money.

You can sell your own products, like we are doing with the Become a Creator Program.

5. What do you think are the most essential qualities of a successful content creator?

According to my research, these are the three characteristics of a successful content creator.

He has only cared about working. He was always thinking about how he could improve it like that. He does not waste their time.

I think I am not made for this work. I think it is very difficult. The only thing that happened to me was that he does not waste that much time. I also only focused on my work. I didn't think about these useless things.

I was consistent for 1 year, so that means whoever wishes to become a content creator can. He can be consistent with their work. 

That one quality stays consistent, so he can also become a successful content creator. There is no day when I haven't posted content for 1 year.

6. Was there any setback that you later realised was a stepping stone?

Focusing on learning a lot; they are related to your industry. Join the community of like-minded people. Stay connected.

So, purchase their courses and continue to question us about your work and how you improved it in this manner. during this journey.

Only your learning and your mentor will help you achieve your desired result.

7. Were you not hesitant while coming in front of the camera?

Initially, I could not even speak in front of the camera. I understood that I could not even talk to people. 

The girl talks to the camera. To remove my fear of the camera, I should start making two or three videos daily. No matter how it is made, still I used to hold one topic daily and make videos on that topic daily.

8. What course or resources did you use and what do you do to upskill yourself in this field?

During my journey, I tried to learn Instagram from courses. But those courses didn't help me. I did an internship. I am going to learn a lot from there. I did an internship when I had only 100 followers. There's a lot more on YouTube than on Google. There is a lot of content out there where you can learn a lot.

9. Can you share some of your reel's ideas and strategies for increasing followers organically?

I will share nine excellent strategies that will help you grow your Instagram following :-

Post Consistently

Share a variety of content types.

Working With Influencers

Engage With Your Audience.

Improve Your Instagram Bio

Make use of Instagram Insights.

It creates interesting captions.

Use Hashtags

Follow the Instagram trend.

10. What mistakes do people usually make while posting content on Instagram which gets them no traction?

People make many mistakes while creating content.

1. Not Using Good Quality Content

2. Not Making the Most of the Bio

3. Posting Very Little Content

They do not make the content according to the trend.

11. Is it by luck that some posts get viral or does there any strategy behind it?

There are many strategies to go viral on Instagram. It seems to me that the luck that happens does not work later. Before that, your at work, luck will start working for you too.

Khushboo Sikarwar


Interviewed By - Shashank Sehgal

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