What Effects Do We Get From Using Social Media? - A Blessing or a Curse

Social media is a mixed bag, with both positive and negative aspects. Users can share photographs, videos, texts, messages, and phone calls using several services on social networking sites including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and others. They debuted in 1997 with the Six Degrees platform and are well-liked among the younger generation.

social media, bane meaning
Source: Wallpaper Fare

Among the advantages are increased connectedness, enjoyment, creativity, and learning. On the other side, disadvantages include lost time, the spread of untrue information, cybercrimes, and negative effects on health.

Use of Social Media

Nowadays, social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others have massive user bases and are used to promote businesses as well as provide entertainment and information. Social media does, however, have a negative side, including the dissemination of false information, addiction, online bullying, cybercrime, and privacy issues.

More than a billion individuals use social media every day to communicate with one another. On websites like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and others, people upload pictures. They enjoy and distribute videos that they have watched on platforms like YouTube and others. Additionally, they use applications like WhatsApp to communicate with friends. Social media has radically altered how we communicate in only the last ten years. Additionally, it has enabled us to communicate with individuals everywhere.

What Effects do We Get From Using 
Social Media?

It has facilitated communication, the search for like-minded people, and the upkeep of long-distance relationships.

This issue has been researched by scientists from many different nations. They have focused in particular on how it affects interpersonal relationships and human emotions. According to several studies, utilising social media can contribute to depression. Furthermore, according to certain studies, it can harm our relationships.

Social media's primary beneficial outcome is also its intended purpose, which is "connection". Nowadays, many people work long hours and have highly hectic lives. Others reside in other cities or nations, far from their family and friends. People nowadays are often divided by a variety of factors, making it challenging to maintain relationships with those who are significant to us.

People all across the world are using social media in a very loud and expanding effort to connect with one another. Despite all the obstacles that the modern world imposes on our lives, they are still communicating.

Making new acquaintances can be facilitated by social media. These are frequently pals they never would have known without social media.

News about significant global events can also be conveyed by using social media.

Social Media Feeds Envy

Social media has a lot of advantageous benefits. Scientists, however, caution that social media can also be harmful to users. In 2013, a significant study was published by the Public Library of Science. The users of the social networking site Facebook in the US were the focus of this investigation. According to the survey, these people were less content with their life the more Facebook they used. And researchers found that this might lead to depressive symptoms. Similar outcomes were discovered by a significant German study. Scientists looked into the emotions experienced by 600 German Facebook users. They discovered that jealousy was the feeling people used Facebook for most frequently.

In fact, when people post items on social media, they frequently only share the greatest aspects of their lives. They discuss their enjoyable activities. Or they upload images that make them appear exceptionally attractive. Therefore, people only see the finest aspects of their friends' lives when they browse Facebook or any other social media platform. They could feel less content with their own life as a result of this. And because their friends' lives appear to be so ideal, they could start to feel envious.

The Impact of Social Media on Relationships

It is acknowledged that relationships formed on social media are distinct from those formed offline. Regular visits with friends allow one to observe both the positive and negative aspects of that person's life. However, if a person only sees a buddy on social media, they are likely to only see a small portion of their friend's life. Due to this, social media interactions are extremely different from traditional ones.

social media marketing, what is social media
Source: Inc.Magazine

Relationship quality is declining as a result of social media. People don't converse extensively or for very long on social media. We demand less from one another and more from technology.

Proper way to Use Social Media Effectively

Social media can have advantages and disadvantages depending on how it is used. We can put certain advice and tactics into effect to make good use of social media.

Setting time limits and taking vacations from social media are advised tactics.We may keep a positive relationship with social media by practising mindfulness and thinking about how it makes us feel.

Choosing carefully who we follow on social media can enhance our experience. Solid offline connections offer fulfilment and support that social media cannot match. Utilizing social media with intention and mindfulness can reduce negative impacts and advance good mental health.

Written by: Sneha Rani