"Read Quotes, Love Reading, Get Inspired" - Maitrayee

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I belong to Gaya Bihar and from a middle-class family. My father is a businessman and my mother is a teacher and I have a brother who is in standard 10 and I am a CA student and pursuing B.com (Hons) from Calcutta University so presently I am living in Kolkata for my higher studies.

2. When did you first decide that you wanted to create content and how did you start?

Firstly I used to write quotations and put it as my what app status and meanwhile I came to know that I can write more so I created an Instagram account and started posting my quotation on a daily basis.


3. Is blogging and content creation a financially sustainable career?

Yes, blogging and content creation can be a financially sustainable career if anyone has a good writing skill or anyone can develop their writing skills by online course of content creation, blogging, novel writing etc. By this process, they can convert their writing skills on a professional level and can be financially stable.


4. Who is your favorite creator and why?

I don’t have any favorite Creator yet.


5. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content?

Earlier, I use to read a lot of quotation and really love reading and getting inspired by them.

Meanwhile, when I started writing quotation and actually whatever I do in a day, I analyse it and I get my content by the process of finding out my most mistakes the way to correct those mistakes.


6. What does your typical day look like?

I am a CA student so I have to attend my coaching classes every day including Sundays along with this I have pursued B.com (Hons) from Calcutta University. I love to read books in my free time.


7.  Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book is “Master your time Master your life” because it actually describes the real importance of time and the way we could effectively utilize our 24 hrs of a day.


8. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring creators?

Listen to whatever you speak during the whole day, you will get your content from that only.

Interviewed By - Srishti Raj