Body Language Dos & Don’ts for Your Next Interview


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Interviews are not just about how we put our sentences, but also about the way we put ourselves up in front of the board. There are certain Body- Language Dos and Don'ts that help in convincing the interviewer that we are serious, professional, and the right choice for the job. 90% of the time, the interviewers talk to us just to figure out how we function and are more interested in the minute details than the words we spun out and the memorized phrases. 

Thus, an easy view of the body language keys will help us function properly through the interview:


1. Carry one bag:

Multiple bags and files seem like we are disorganized. One single item with all the necessities seems like a professional approach and we stand out to be a person, sure of ourselves, knowing how much we need. Giving out a vibe that we are disorganized and unsure of ourselves, is a big NO for interviews. This is a minute detail that we must remember while entering an interview.

2. Shoes:

This is yet another seemingly insignificant item that is more important than it seems. We hear that a person can be understood by a look at their shoes, and this same theory is also applicable for an interview. Polished and proper shoes present us as people who are clean and organized. Polished shoes give importance to the interview as it feels like we made an effort to look clean for the interview. Chipped up soles give us a poor look. We should also go for a comfortable pair over a heel, as it focuses on functionality.

3. Sit slightly angled:

Sitting directly across subconsciously pokes the mind to think that we are on opposite ends. However, sitting slightly angled gives a view that we are on the same side, and wish to work together. It also adds a curve to the figure and does not make us look stout. This exudes a sense of comfort and also lowers the guard of the interviewer slightly.

4. Be poised:

We should practice the power pose way before the interview date. We need to learn and practice the correct posture that radiates our most confident and professional selves. Leaning forward or hunching gives out a bad impression to the interviewer. It makes us appear like pushovers, who are unaware of their choices. An interviewer looks for a young, confident, ambitious candidate who is ready to climb the mountains and reach success.


1. Smiling nervously:

We all have a variety of smiles, and often, we do not think about the kind of smile we are giving. It is important to prepare our mind and stay calm, so that our body does not react physiologically, and give out a nervous smile. A nervous smile is a queue for the interviewer to take the upper hand in the interview and lead the conversation, thus, putting us backward in the race of candidates.

2. Pursing lips:

When our  lips are pursed, it seems like we are holding something back. Often, we even do this to show sarcasm and look condescending. However, interviews are all about looking confident, but looking condescending only pushes our prospects of selection backward. Hence, the interviewer won't be able to decide on us, because he/she would feel like we are hiding something.

3. Don’t be too territorial:

We must not cross our hands as it adds a feeling of unapproachability to us. Moreover, it gives a vibe that we are trying to expand our territory and trying hard to get the reigns of the conversation. What should have been an easy flowing formal conversation would look like a word battle if you cross your hands during your interview. We should be able to have our ground without appearing to be trying too hard.

4. Touching our face and hair:

As kids, we are always taught not to fidget as it shows anxiety. Similarly, we are not supposed to touch our face or hair during an interview. These activities shift the gaze and attention from what we are saying and what we are trying to actually show, and in-between the blanket of confidence, sparks of anxiety come out that ruin the mood of the interview. 

Hence, the aforementioned are the DOs and DON'Ts that you must adhere to for your next Interview for an easy, smooth interview. Most importantly, have faith in yourself and you'll be good to go.

Written by - Anwesha Basu 

Edited by -  Vasudha Sabharwal