13 Ways to Cope up With Stress

Feeling Stressed? Stress is your body's inherited response to any situation- which is potentially threatening. Your body shows resistance to adjustments or changes, irrespective of if they are real or imaginary.

Stress works on a subconscious level. Your mind lacks in distinguishing emotional problems from physical problems. Thus, it reacts with the same "flight or fight" response upon sensing any danger.

Stress proves useful during life-threatening situations, emergencies, exams, and when it comes to perform or perish situations. Stress also helps to rise up to challenges. But after a limit, stress stops being helpful and start causing emotional, physical, and behavioural problems while damaging the overall quality of your life.

 Here are ways you can cope with stress:-

 1. Following a proper sleep schedule:  Let us start with the activity you voluntarily perform every day. An average human being should ensure to sleep at least 6-7 hours/day. The more your body rests, and the mind calms, the less stressful you will feel. Go to bed, 15 min early today and continue doing so, till you fulfil your sleep quota.

 2. Exercise or yoga: - To release happiness hormones, one should add a few minutes of the day into some workout. Walk for at least 10min outdoor, early morning workout are more useful. Fresh oxygen refreshes the brain; walk prepares the body for the day. Exercising indoors is good too. Yoga is the most effective in coping with stress. Different asanas and breathing exercises engage the whole body and mind in sync.

 3. Meditation: -. Meditation helps to slow down your thoughts, ponder over a few- will help you find the inner voice. Meditation may also help you find the root cause of stress. There are various sources which provide, detailed instructions on meditation.

 4. Spending 'me' time: - Keep aside 10-20 min of your day only for yourself. Write journal every day or once a weekget to know your time expenditure. Relax by yourself; think about how the day went, how you performed today, what went wrong, and other such questions. Instead of feeling bad about mistakes, learn from them and move on.

5. Share with closed ones: - Sharing decreases the pain. You must have heard 'sharing is caring'. Sit with your parents, friends, or family, talks about your day, and share what you are going. Yes, they will not do your work instead of you, but will surely make work more doable. It comforts when you have someone to look after you. 

 6. Give yourself a break: - You might be working, attending colleges or schools, dragging workload throughout the week. Keep aside things related to work. If you are busy, keep aside at least a few hours. Pick your hobby and start doing it. Disconnect one day from the busy schedule.
7. Know your limits: - Stress can be due to over-load. In order, to make your image better or achieving everything in one-day or instant gratification, you might accept more work than you can finish. Know how much you can handle and add one-fourth more. Eating more than you can digest, can result in indigestion.

8. Turn on aeroplane mode on negativity: - Be it on social media, be it among family, or be it in the workplace try not to get affected by people's opinion (both positive and negative). Comparing your life with someone will give you only suffering, self-doubts, and a lot of stress. Start focusing on your life, improve yourself and have a peaceful life.

9. Time management and priorities: - Unclear thoughts and unorganized time schedules are one of the most stressful situations. Managing time tells you, how, where and what you spend your time on. With time management, have clear priorities. When your priorities are clear, you know what to choose at any given moment. Hence, reducing time in taking decisions and eliminating stress to null. You have to sort your priorities.

 10. Healthy and a balanced diet: - Mostly, the digestive system suffers when you are stressed. Taking a proper food intake is essential. Including, fruits, juices, green vegetables will help. Avoid caffeine; two cups of coffee a day are sufficient. Drink tea having calming properties.

  11. Overthinking: - Under thinking and overthinking both leads to stress. Sometimes, the things you stress over may not exist. You just thought over and over, creating scenarios with worst conditions. Clear your thoughts, keep doing something this way you will get work done, keep negativity away, and will not overthink

12. Take a deep breath: - When in stressful situations, try to regulate your breathing. It is simple. Breathe in, hold and, breathe out. Prepare a list of positive confirmations and repeat them to yourself.

13. Listen to music: - When in stress put on calming music, it works. Choose your genre, let the music play in the background, let the waves of thoughts settle and, let the stress go with a smile.

If all these don't alleviate your stress,

Consult a doctor: - Feeling some stress is understandable, but if you are facing severe symptoms, you should consult a doctor. Precaution is better than cure.

Wish you good luck ahead! 

Read More - Stress Vs Anxiety- Know the Difference

Written By  - Nikita Jadhav

Edited By   - Adarsh Krishnaa V