How To Protect Your Eyes From Excessive Screen Time

It is estimated that we spend 1700 hours staring at computer screens every year. This doesn’t include our mobile phone usage time. All this screen time leads to eye strain, dry eye, headaches and insomnia or in some serious cases might cause computer vision syndrome too.

Why does screen usage strain the eyes more than reading print? It is because people tend to blink less while using computers. Also, we tend to view the screen from less than ideal distances and angles.

Here are some tips that ophthalmologists say that'll reduce your eye strain.

Practice the 20-20-20 rule: All you need to do is take a break every 20 minutes. You should stare at an object 20 feet away(preferably outside a window)  for at least 20 seconds. This gives your eyes a break from the bright screen that is so close.

Eliminate Glare: Glare is one main factor that aggravates irritation in eyes. Use a matte screen filter for your monitor screen.

Blink frequently: Yes the solution to reduced eye strain is as simple as blinking. Frequent blinking has been proven to reduce the harmful effects of prolonged screen usage.

Use Artificial tears: Keep your eyes moist by using artificial tears to help lubricate your eyes when they feel dry.

Eliminate Blue light before bed: Blue light from mobile phones disturb our natural circadian rhythm. This may make it harder to sleep and leads to a lack of good quality sound sleep. So stop the usage of such devices 1 hour prior to your bedtime. Use Bluelight filters to minimise blue light exposure.

Read More - 5 Tips to Reduce Your Screen Time While You Are Working FromHome

Written By - Adarsh Krishnaa V