10 Amazing Social Media Marketing Strategies


A strategy is the main ingredient for doing well in social media marketing.

You could post on social media sites for the sake of posting without a plan. Without knowing what your objectives are who your target audience is and what they want, social media outcomes would be hard to achieve.

If you want to expand your brand through social media or level up as a social media marketer, creating a social media marketing strategy is important.

Here in this article we are bringing you 10 ways to do it

1.   Start using a chatbot

You may have noticed, but there is a trend of chatbots. This comes as no surprise as they are the only interactive platform that can connect and solve issues for your customers without the possible need for any human interruption.

In addition to the above, chatbots incorporate the channels that customers now feel most comfortable communicating through: social media. Platforms like Chatty-people make it easy to incorporate an AI-powered chatbot into your social networking strategy.

2.   Develop a personalized experience for your clients

Chatbots are not just a great way to automate some day-to-day activities, and if properly implemented, your chatbot will allow you to create more personalized experiences for your customers.

To do this, avoid connecting your ads exclusively to your landing pages, and create ads that redirect your audience to a Messenger window with your chatbot.

3.   Build an effective content marketing plan

Quality is a key factor, and content is no exception. Content marketing has been a common method of marketing for a long time and is not likely to change any time soon.

Many brands do not connect quality content to the correct schedule of postings and the correct frequency of postings. High-quality SEO content combined with all of the above will help you get the right customers at the right time.

4.   Create a community for your audience

While "followers" and many other metrics are significant, they are not the be all and end all to the success of social media. You need to remind your audience that you're not just a robot.

Integrate personality into your posts through humor and emotion, so that your audience can connect to your brand. Social media is all about being social, and if the consumers see the same types of posts again and again, they will lose interest.

5.   Spice up your profiles with a dynamic content strategy

People have reacted more than ever to good imagery, enjoyable images, and some interesting podcasts. Jazz up your content by using this form of media on a regular basis.

Your social media accounts will look gloomy if all you post and share is text, so be sure to use other forms of media to catch your audience's attention. It's also a perfect way to add a degree of personality to your brand.

6.   Using the brand supporters

Your best advertising tool is the people who love your brand. Instead of concentrating all your energies on attracting new clients, why don't you exploit your existing ones? In addition to your existing clients, you can use your own people. To use your staff as a brand promoter, you should:

·        Establish clear social media guidelines for your brand

·       Tell the advocates about the best practices of social media

·   Attach a representative to every segment of your social media advocacy strategy

7.   Make profiles on the respective platforms

Today, people build profiles on any available social media site in order to reach as many people as possible. Unfortunately, with that kind of thinking, you won't reach your chosen target audience.

As a result, it's key for you to look at your buyer's people by selecting your social media platforms. For example, if you launch a Gothic clothing brand, you won't actually need a LinkedIn profile; the same as you don't need to be on Pinterest to promote your surveillance services.

8.   Set a social media budget

Social media marketing is one of the most effective forms of marketing in today’s world. Allocating the correct budget to your social media activities is key to your success.

Not only this, utilizing your budget with the right approach would be the most cost-effective way for you to hit your target audience. Since social media is used on a far more informal basis, you can also find that this is a place where you can make a much deeper connection to your customers.

9.   Conduct a cross-channel campaign

To further engage your customers, run cross-channel promotions across all of your social media platforms. Bear in mind that these campaigns are run by almost every organisation today, so you're going to have to give yourself an edge to help you stand out from the crowd.

Add an emotional dimension to your social media campaigns so your audience can connect to your cause. An Effective cross-channel social media campaign will:

·       Share a remarkable story

·   Link back to a particular landing page that gives your audience more detail about your campaign

·      Have a different and unforgettable name coupled to the related hashtags

10.        Tell your stories by going live

Your content is going to tell the story of your brand as a whole but why not share with your audience what's going on with your business in real time?

Facebook and Instagram, among other sites, have developed their own live streaming features, something that major brands have not yet used to their full potential.

To deal with them, start using these live features before they really catch up. Live sessions are a perfect way to get to:

·         Show your fans that you're more than just a money-making machine

·         Engage your clients and inspire them

·         Build content that is shared and unforgettable

Businesses around the world are increasingly becoming more concerned with increasing consumers on their social media channels than on their websites.

By implementing the 10 tactics outlined above, not only are you set up to compete with well-established brands, but you will also build a social media strategy that will stand the test of time.


-       -  By Mehak Sachdeva