Carolyn Theresa Simon - Find a Purpose or an Intention for Everything You Do in the Day

Carolyn Theresa Simon is a certified yoga instructor (500 RYT), mindfulness coach and wellness writer who wishes to make the world a better place and change the world through yoga. 
She has spent the past few years travelling to different ashrams across India, learning about traditional yogic practices, Indian philosophy and healthy eating.

1. Tell us more about yourself and your profession.

I'm Carolyn Theresa Simon and my aim is to make the world a better place and change the world through yoga. I'm a certified yoga instructor (500 RYT), mindfulness coach and wellness writer. I've spent the past few years travelling to different ashrams across India, learning about traditional yogic practices, Indian philosophy and healthy eating - these practices changed my life completely and I hope to share these learnings with the world.

Nothing brings me more joy than training yoga teachers on teaching methodology and currently I'm working with a company - YogiFi where we're bringing the many benefits of yoga to the world using artificial intelligence, which is really where the future lies. I've had the opportunity to work with many big brands in the fitness space and collaborate with some amazing people during my journey.

2. What is your fitness mantra?

Being a better version of myself everyday and being a better person to people around me.

3. What are some of the major misconceptions about diets and exercises?

There are way too many, but answering a few common ones about yoga and mindfulness -
  • you have to be flexible to do yoga
  • yoga is very slow and boring
  • yoga is just about twisting the body in different shapes - asana centric approach
  • one cannot lose weight with yoga
  • with diets - there is a new diet coming out everyday that people are completely confused about what to follow.
  • meditation means no thoughts arise in the mind
  • meditation is difficult

4. How can one maintain a healthy lifestyle with Yoga?

The whole practice of yoga is about discipline, so some of the ways to lead a healthy lifestyle would be to -

  • Find moments of stillness in the day
  • Discover a daily ritual or dinacharya that works, be it waking up at a certain time in the morning, a few practices or a personal sadhana that brings joy, and an evening wind-down ritual
  • Regular practice of pranayama and kriyas
  • Some form of movement to keep the physical body fit – it could be asanas, dancing, weight training, again it can be different on different days.
  • Eat a wholesome and nourishing plant-based diet – depending on what’s best for one’s dosha
  • Find a purpose or an intention for everything you do in the day
  • Spend time with nature – gardening/forest bathing/walking meditation/just being

5. How can one build a successful career in your field?

For me yoga is completely based on self practice or sadhana and sharing the same experience with the world. So the most important aspect to build one's career as a yoga teacher would be practicing and being extremely passionate about sharing this with the world.

There is also a lot of study that has to be done in terms of understanding different health conditions and creating and modifying sequences for every class, also approaching it holistically is much needed - so getting familiar with the sister science of Ayurveda, positive psychology, to get a better understanding of every student.

6. What is one piece of advice you would like to give someone who wishes to practice yoga?

Just leave everything aside and start today. 

7. How do Yoga and daily exercise contribute to overall well being and happiness?

Yoga has immense benefits - not just for physically, but mentally as well - yoga helps one reach higher states of joy and happiness, and makes one more emotionally balanced.

In our fast paced world, a regular practice helps with:
  • increased energy throughout the day
  • better decision making
  • deep sleep
  • better absorption of nutrition
  • better recovery
  • more focus and concentration
  • glowing skin and a healthy body, free from common lifestyle diseases and free from pain
Overall a sense of gratitude for being on this planet and a drive to take on everyday as it comes.

- Carolyn Theresa Simon 
Instagram @yogacaro 

- Interviewed by - Komal Tolambia