Emotions: How To Control Them Before They Control You


State of feeling caused by an event, situation, person. A part of a person’s character opposed to his thought. The basic six emotions are happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger then later the list expanded to include shame, pride, embarrassment…

We have all heard the word “negative emotions” the unhappy emotionsthat evoked in individuals to express bad and hurtful things toward others. It is easy to distinguish the negative from the positive ones but first we must define what we feel.

Harmful Ways of Expression:

The way we express our emotions is the way of connecting or disconnecting with ourselves and our surroundings. In other meaning, an emotion can approach or take away persons because emotions have strong impact on bonding.

Some individuals when they get angry, they broke, scream loudly and can reach the point of physically and emotionally hurting the others. Some when they feel happy for example for winning a financial reward they go to the market and buy all the needed and unneeded items.

Both reactions are not the healthy way of expressing or taking their emotions out of body. There exist some steps when you apply them you will feel the inner peace with your feelings.



Determine your real emotion. Anger may hide sadness that can’t be expressed exactly, when you realize what you recently feel you can know how to manage it. Also, notice if any physical change occurs in your body when you have a peak of emotions.

Maybe a pain in stomach, head or any area filled with nerves due to the running blood.


Never run of your feelings, admit that you are sad, angry, disappointed, depressed… Say it to yourself and don’t hide it or feel ashamed of what you hold inside of you. You may see the problem is silly but look at the roots to know what exactly make the scene.

Remember It is ok to not be ok!


Let every feeling out, don’t lock them up because they will defend strongly and hurt you. Make a way for them to be out by crying, speaking, running, any comfortable way that you like or too simply leave yourself to your feelings. Never hold and ignore them because they will double and make you worse.


Be careful to take a decision or make a huge step once you have the peak of emotions either negative or positive one. You have to settle down where you can recognize everything then get the suitable healing.


Emotions are normal status for any human being so communicate with yourself and be friendly with it. Never talk roughly to yourself or feel bad because you have these emotions.



Any unusual action or uprising surly has a trigger, stop it directly once you recognize it, for example an event, a person or any unpleasant thing. Stay away from triggers.

Once you apply the steps determine what make you relax. Direct your emotions toward positivity thus you take the advantages of the negative feelings… you can make real amazing creative ideas from this situation.


Things That Help You Towards Positivity

You know when a memory fills up it needs to be clean from the unnecessary things in order to stay useful. Likewise, our mind, once you clean it from negative thoughts, bad memories or disturbing things only the good ones will keep up.

If yourself is full of pain, hidden anger or any emotion that you are compelled with one day it will explode so decide to clean that room of your body and create a new clean relaxing area to live within.

From the most successful methods of cleaning is meditation and sessions of how to clear your mind from negativity. After practicing these ways one after another you will feel free thus once you get in a nervous or a hard situation you will react quietly.

And now we come to all of sudden we get bad news, someone dies, a beloved person turns sick… anything that upset you and let you down. You have your guide book that was explained up.

After recognize, admit and let them out then you find what comfort you of many activities:

Breathe slowly, person who faces an attack of emotions the last thing he thinks about is breathing notice that when you start inhaling and exhaling with holding your Oxygen inside of your body, you will calm down and redirect your body toward something else.

Sports, drawing, cleaning, cooking, dancing, singing, playing music instruments, watching movies, walking anything that you love. You will be relaxed and you can apply it by yourself to yourself.

You can tell a friend or any person that you trust and may help, the most important thing is to feel good when you talk. Sometimes we need only to talk not to be judged or to be given advices so find this person and ask for help.

Take a hot or cold bath as you like. You can add Lavender, chamomile and Rosemary they act as nerves’ remedy also their smell reduces the stress in a good way.

In addition, you have to walk out the fire means stay away from the place where you got this horrible status at least you turn off the emotional strike in your body.

Drink a cup of hot Tea selection, anything that doesn’t contain caffeine like Anise, Chamomile or cold juice Orange, Carrot, Berries and strawberries.

Finally, after doing all and feel better, you can sit and think about solving the problem, the reason of the uprising emotions. Now, the situation is pretty clearer and you can see it without foggy.

Point the main item you want to solve: the trigger, the person, the scene and start to find the suitable and right way of settle and if you look deeply the solution is presented in the trouble itself.

Compare it to a puzzle once you put the first piece all pieces will find their ways to combine together in order to create a beautiful image of yourself.

Written by – Rayan Issa

Edited by – Adrija Saha