Some Facts About Food


Diet, food, junk, healthy, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbs, Fats, Proteins the list of items concerning what we eat and drink every day is never-ending. 

Multiple categories consist of the most essential thing in our life which is food. This consumed substance provides nutritional support for an organism.

The healthier we are the more we avoid health problems. Therefore, a well-developed diet that contains all the required materials will offer a clean body’s systems.

Living on food only doesn’t make a difference in our life. We have to take care of our fluid intakes and sports too.


The Right Terms

Diet: any substance that is consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. It doesn’t mean weight loss.

Reduced Diet: it is a diet to lose weight by decreasing calorie intake. It never means to live without eating.

Low Sugar Diet: food containing sugar and carbs but, in few amounts. It doesn’t mean avoiding sugar at all.

Low Sodium Intake: This doesn’t mean to stop taking salt in your food. This is because today there are a lot of foods containing high levels of sodium, frequent intake of which may prove to be detrimental to one’s health.

Gain Weight: means a balanced diet that helps you to gain healthy weight.


A Well-Balanced Diet

Food can be from animal, vegetable or of fungal origin. But it should contain essential nutrients like carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

We should have all these nutrients in our daily meals. Yet again some might think that if we cross out one of these nutrients, we will live healthier and won’t gain weight. 


What Are These Types Of Nutrients? 

Carbs: They give the fuel and energy required for your body. The most common carbs are starch and sugars. 

Therefore, their sources are wheat products (bread, pasta etc.), rice, corn and sweets.

Best choice: oat, whole grain, Quinoa that contains high amounts of fibres that provides many nutritional values and fullness.

Proteins: Responsible for muscle building. Comes from animal sources (high quality) like meat, poultry and fish, dairies and eggs or vegetable sources (low quality) like grains, seeds and legumes.

Best choice: Fish or any animal type meat most preferably roasted or grilled instead of fried in addition to high benefits of seeds and others.

Fats: Protects your organs and supports cell growth. For instance, people are confused about fat sources thinking that word fats refer to a bad source. 

But in fact, they also come from good sources like the olives, Avocado, Nuts, Canola and fish. 

On the other hand, the bad one comes from hydrogenated fats like fried items and fast food.

Best choice: definitely the good sources but in balanced qualities. 

Vitamins: helps the body in different ways. They are found mainly in fruits, vegetables and fortified meals.

Minerals: Builds strong bones and teeth and controls body fluid inside your body.

Water: A well-balanced diet is never deficient of water. It is required to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.

Living in a healthy way that keeps your body strong and well needs to have a balanced diet that contains all nutrients in equal quantities.

To add to this, a very important habit that one must get used to is sports. The benefits of getting used to including sports in your life and body are limitless. 

Sport is not only the movement of muscles and bones but a complete change in mood, mentality and health.

It allows the reduction of bad body fat and helps control weight. It also fights depression and anxiety and also provides a healthy lifestyle.


Want To Lose Weight?

Don’t panic! This is an easy way and it requires healthy habits and if you want to lose more weight you are asked to practice more of these habits. 

In other words, here I will give you advice that will help you in your journey towards gaining/loosing and maintain a healthy weight.

1. Divide your meals between three mains and two snacks.

2. Snacks can be fruits, biscuits (sugar-free), Dark chocolate etc.

3. Eat slowly and avoid T.V or any media while eating.

4. Switch your simple sugary meals with whole grain, oat and corn that contain more fibres.

5. Add Quinoa, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds to your meals.

6. Choose fat-free or low-fat dairies.

7. Choose chicken breast instead of thighs and wings, it is less fatty.

8. Make vegetables non-replaceable part of your meal. Be it raw, salads or even cooked, what is important is to have vegetables high quantities.

9. Take fruits as pieces and avoid juice. This is simply because pieces are richer in fibres and it requires more fruits to make a juice.

10. Drink water in winter as well as in summer. Water plays a huge part in the process of losing weight.

11. Avoid Soda, junk food, sweets that are fried and high in sugar.

12. Walk every day for at least 30-45 minutes, it helps you plus it reduces stress.

13. Practice sports.

14. Tea selection that helps to improve your metabolism: Green, Matcha, Oolong etc. Preferable to have tea with snacks between meals.


To Gain a Healthy Weight

Add good fats to your meal. These might include foods like Avocado, olives, more raw nuts etc. 

Eat more homemade or organic Peanuts butter. Add more the egg in your meal.

Whole milk, Yogurt and Tofu are best choices. Try incorporating homemade protein smoothies (add chocolate, more fruits, nuts etc.) into your diet.


Some More Advice

People who suffer from iron deficiency and low blood level, are advised to eat meat, chicken, seeds, beans and legumes with the addition of some citrus juice to help absorption. 

They must also ensure to avoid drinking tea with meals. Those who have diabetes are advised to lower their carbs intake. They must eat more vegetables and practice sports. 

Those who have problems in concentration and brain function are advised to eat more fishes and nuts like walnuts and almonds because they contain Omega fatty acids.

Those who suffer from Celiac disease (problem with gluten) are advised to have gluten-free products that are now available in plenty in markets, rice or corn products.

Those who have hypertension are advised to decrease salt intake. Food items like the table salt, pickles, olives, crackers, cans, soup bags etc. contain large amounts of salt.

Those who have heart problems are asked to have fat-free, low salt and homemade food.

The best choice for people with low immunity are foods that contain Anti-oxidants like fruits (berries family), vegetables, dark chocolate, raw nuts etc.


Edited by - Christeena George

Written by - Rayan Issa