The Pace In Which We Grow And Criticisms Are The Main Challenges - Sarvs Sagaa (Youtuber)

If you love something that is offbeat or far from the mainstream culture, and if you are confident enough about it, you should do it. Well if it is not related to mainstream it will definitely take time, but that doesn't mean you can't make it.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I was born and brought up in Coimbatore. Moved to Chennai after my college for work.

As I grew up watching cinema, I always had this excitement towards the filmmaking process. But I never really invested any effort or time to get into the field.

So when I moved to Chennai for work, this idea of getting into media field sowed deep inside my brain started pricking me, as Chennai was the final destination for people pursuing a job in media or films in Tamil Nadu.

I was attending auditions now and then. But I couldn't get into any of them. Meanwhile, I was watching a lot of YouTube videos and I felt maybe this is the medium. I finally decided to get a camera and try it out myself. And that's how it started.

2. Did you ever expect that you will get huge audience support for your channel while starting your content?

No, I never thought so. When I started my channel, it was just me. Few days after starting it, my friend Gurubaai joined me, which I thought will give me space for experimenting. But most times, he was in my company while I was whining about the channel not performing well. 

I never thought I'll make content that I do now. I never expected people would show so much of love and support to it. I don't even understand how it all happened. But what I understood was, if I had understood things, it wouldn't have been fun.

So yes, I didn't expect this much of support and most of the time we were discussing about quitting. But kept postponing it for the next week, which never came.

3. Who is your favorite creator and why?

Temple Monkeys is my favorite YouTube channel in Tamil. When I wanted to make content that seemed weird and offensive to a lot of my friends, I was confused if I should do it. And there were no references other than Temple Monkeys in Tamil for it. And their videos gave me confidence. If it was not them, I might not be making the content which I make now.

4. What are the challenges that most of the youtubers like you face while delivering their content?

The pace in which we grow and criticisms are the main challenges.

Growth is variable. It can be rapid or slow or sometimes it might get stalled, depending on a lot of factors and I feel one shouldn't compare their growth with that of others. That makes them feel inferior, frustrated, puts them into pressure and it adversely affects their content.

When it comes to criticisms, a lot of creators get demotivated with negative comments. I would say it's fine. We faced, still face negative comments and constructive criticisms in every video. Accepting the hatred and working on the 
comment if it is sensible is what going to help.

5. What are your hobbies and interests?

I watch movies and anime on most days. I love cooking. I try new dishes that mostly come out awfully, but yeah I get to learn how not to ruin it the next time.

6. Your advice to the aspiring creators and followers?

If you love something that is offbeat or far from the mainstream culture, and if you are confident enough about it, you should do it. Well if it is not related to mainstream it will definitely take time, but that doesn't mean you can't make it.

Sarvs Sagaa

Sarvs Sagaa


Instagram id - @sarvs_sagaa

Interviewed by - Ananie Borgia K