Trump Thinks Adding His Face At Mount Rushmore A “Good Idea”

President Donald Trump recently denied a report from New York Times which stated that a White House aide has approached to Mount Rushmore Officials to get to know about the process of adding Presidents to Mount Rushmore and still tweeted that nonetheless “it sounds like a good idea to me”.

On a fine Sunday last year, he goes on tweeting that “Never suggested it although, based on all of the many things accomplished during the first 3 ½ years, perhaps more than any other Presidency, sounds like a good idea to me!”.

No Space

To this, the officials of Mount Rushmore responded by saying that it’s not possible to add more faces to the South Dakota mountain in the Black Hills even if the idea of adding Trump gains huge support in the future.

A spokeswoman at Mount Rushmore said that “There is no more carving space left up on the sculpture” when South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem said that Donald Trump aspires to be up there on the mountain.

A Dream Since Forever

There have been few instances where Donald Trump has shown his keenness to be on Mount Rushmore. One of them was shared by Kristi Noem in 2018, during an interview with the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

Trump showed his aspiration to be on Mount Rushmore when Kristi Neom requested him to visit South Dakota and witness Mount Rushmore. He responded to her invitation by saying that it’s his dream to have his face on that mountain.

The other instance where Trump expressed his wish to be added to Mount Rushmore was at a campaign rally at Youngstown, Ohio, in 2017.

Trump’s keenness to be on the Mount Rushmore with other four most memorable President’s of the nation-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln was clearly depicted in the picture he posted from 2019’s July Fourth weekend campaign-style appearance at Mount Rushmore.

In the picture, his face seems to be aligned with the other four Presidents’ faces.

According to the New York Times report, it has been said that Kristi Neom presented a four-foot replica of Mount Rushmore to Donald Trump on his arrival in South Dakota, which included his face along with other four Presidents.

He had shown his wish to be included up there on several occasions. Thus, this has been proved that Trump’s desire to be on the mountain is no secret.

Written By - Somya Jain

Edited By - Keerthana Lakshmi