Best Guide for Homeschooling Your child

Homeschooling is a progressive movement around the country and the world, in which parents educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. 

Families choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons, including dissatisfaction with the educational options available, different religious or educational philosophies, and the belief that children are not progressing within the traditional school structure.   Take a deep breath and review this step-by-step timeline. It covers everything you need to know and do before taking charge of your child's education.

There are a few things that you should know to get Success in Homeschooling:

Research Your Homeschool Options 

Begin any time, no matter whether your child is a toddler or already has several years of elementary school under her belt. Some parents find the end of one school year is a good time to start their research because it gives them enough time to investigate the details and get started by autumn. 

Subscribe to magazines such as Homeschooling Today, visit the library, read books, and talk to people who homeschool — contact or join a local homeschool organization. 

Educating yourself about the various routes you can take is the best way to define why you are making this decision and what you hope homeschooling will accomplish for your family. Just don't get frustrated if you don't understand everything you read or hear.

Investigate Your State's Homeschooling Requirements

Homeschooling rules and regulations vary widely from state to state. In New York, for example, parents must file an annual declaration of intent with the local superintendent by July 1 or 14 days before starting to homeschool, as well as an individualized home instruction plan. 

While in India there’s no such regulatory body for homeschoolers, but it is indeed legal in India till such extent. New York parents must also maintain attendance records, submit quarterly reports, and conduct standardized tests. You can find detailed information on your state's laws at You Can Home School.

Join a Local Homeschooling Group 

Meeting homeschoolers in your area will net you valuable information. Here you'll find other families who can answer questions, let you review their at-home teaching habits, and show you how homeschooling works for them. 

You can learn about age-appropriate activities your children may want to participate in, such as sports, tutoring, or small clubs that suit your child's interests. During weekly meetings, parents may opt to teach a subject such as a foreign language or a science lab to a group of students.

Decide on Homeschool Curriculum 

Curricula can be purchased through mail order catalogues or at online stores, including Scholastic's Teacher Store (you'll need to register in order to buy). They vary from traditional textbooks and workbooks that cover reading, writing, and arithmetic to more individualized approaches that are guided by a child's own interests. 

State conventions and curriculum fairs; held several times each year also showcase a variety of homeschooling publications and products.

Create Your Homeschooling Space 

Will you be conducting classes at the kitchen table? Do you need a blackboard or a desk? How about empty wall space to post schedules, calendars, and completed work? Is there a computer nearby that's connected to the Internet? Get organized by purchasing storage cabinets and bookshelves for holding textbooks and workbooks. Baskets are also useful for keeping loose supplies under control.

Set Specific Homeschooling Goals 

Since homeschoolers proceed at their own pace, it's important, especially in the first year, to consider what you want to accomplish. Academics are important when you set short- and long-term goals, but they are not the only component of a child's education. 

For example, how will your child get physical activity? When will he socialize with other children? Consider the importance of extracurricular activities such as music classes or Boy Scouts. Network with other parents —homeschooling and not — to find the best activities. Also check local community centers, houses of worship, and newspaper advertisements and listings.

Define a Homeschooling Schedule 

Create a plan to meet the goals you've outlined. While a schedule makes some people feel hemmed in, it helps, especially in the beginning, to be organized and have a mission, says Dobson. 

Purchase a plan book and consider how you want to break up your child's academic schedule and each subject you want to work on. Consider how you want to break up your learning week by week too. 

Make time for field trips and visits to the library. And remember, flexibility is one of the key appeals of homeschooling. You can always adapt your schedule to your child's changing needs.

Trust The Process

Homeschooling offers families an abundance of opportunities, many of which you will not typically find in a traditional school setting. While homeschooling may take some trial and error, you’ll soon discover what works for you and your child.

 Homeschooling is an exciting journey, and whether you decide to homeschool for a few years or through high school graduation, the time spent with your child will be one that you’ll always cherish.

Finally, know that you'll need to learn as you go. Adjusting to the freedom and flexibility of homeschooling is a challenge. There are so many ways to approach your task. Remember that you'll be defining — and constantly redefining — yourself as you go.

Written by - Sanjana Chakraborty

Edited by - Gourav Chowdhury