How To Own Your Day: Simple Secrets

How often do you find yourself saying that you have got to stop wasting time?
You wake up daily with a list of tasks to do, you make your coffee and check your phone, and the next thing you know a couple of hours have passed.

The worst part is that wasting time often leads to wasting more time and this leads to a cycle which goes on and on.

The good news is that there are some simple strategies you can follow to start doing things that actually matter. 

Rise Early

When you wake up early you not only have some extra hours to kickstart your day,  it also sets the tone for the day. For instance, if you spend your morning exercising, there is no need to think about that while you are working and hence improve your productivity.

Also, try to avoid social media and other distracting websites in the morning. Nothing is worse than reading something negative in the morning and keeping that thought in your mind throughout the day.

Schedule Your Day

It may sound rigid but scheduling out your day is a really effective way to help you from wasting time. Assigning specific tasks to specific times of the day helps you stay on track and regain your focus back. Don’t forget to schedule time for breaks to relax and enjoy.

Setting Deadlines

By setting deadlines you will be doing yourself a big favor, if you have ever stayed up all night for a test or a project you know the power of deadlines.

Start by creating the deadlines for your most important tasks, so that you do them urgently and don’t pile them up for later. This will also ensure that you know how much time you need to spend in a day on a particular task.

Manage your Energy

One of the biggest reasons people waste time is because they don’t manage their energy well. Every task that one does requires a different level of energy. Everyone fails to plan the days according to the rising and falling energy levels.

If you feel you are low on energy in the afternoon. Don’t plan any important tasks during that period. Stepping away from your screens and taking a short break to walk or eat something always helps. 


If you ever think that you are wasting time, don’t feel guilty, we all as humans waste time. Just try to channel your feelings to a more constructive solution, just focus your attention and get back to it. Work, chill, enjoy and have a productive week.

Written By - Akash Verma