Why Do Dogs Bite And How To Prevent It?

With very rare exceptions, dog bites do not come out of anywhere, even if it sometimes seems that way. From small nicks that don’t break the skin to serious bites that require medical care, there are multiple reasons a dog might feel that biting is its best response.

Unfortunately, people often miss the warning signs that a bite could happen. Most dogs will try to communicate discomfort before biting by barking, growling, or snapping at the air. But what leads to dog bites? There are a variety of reasons that dogs might use their teeth to communicate:

1. Caught Off Guard

Dogs can bite if they are startled, especially if they have been sleeping. A dog who is startled awake may be disoriented and confused about where they are and what is going on and might bite. These bites may take people and even the dog by surprise. 

This can be particularly common with older dogs who may have decreased sight and/or hearing so may be particularly confused if they are startled awake. Always be thinking about touching a sleeping dog, and teach children not to crawl into dog beds or wake up dogs who are asleep.

2. Protecting

If your dog has something valuable like toys, food, or chews that they don’t want to share, they may bite out of fear that the valuable thing will be taken away. Biting to protect valuable items can happen as part of resource-guarding behaviour. Regardless of breed, some dogs may have strong guarding tendencies and can resort to biting if they perceive their home is being intruded upon, or if they believe someone in their family is in danger

3. Fear Of Human

Most aggressive behaviour from dogs is on some level rooted in fear. A dog might be fearful of something or someone getting close to them, or into their space. When whatever a dog is afraid of gets too close, dogs can become overwhelmed or “over threshold” and may respond by biting. For the dog biting out of fear, it is generally about trying to create distance from whatever or whomever they are worried about.

4. Angry

Dogs can get overwhelmed, which is another situation that can lead to biting behaviour. Dogs who feel that they are trapped in a situation that is uncomfortable or unpleasant may bite out of frustration. Dogs can also feel frustrated by being unable to reach something that they want because they are being held back by an owner or leash. Sometimes called redirecting or a redirected bite, dogs in some instances may turn and bite at what or whoever is holding them back.

5. Injured/ Pain

Being sick or injured can be very stressful, scary, and overwhelming for dogs. Even the most tolerant dogs can bite when they are injured or in pain. If your dog becomes injured, be aware that they may bite when handled so be particularly cautious if you need to lift or move your injured dog. If your dog’s behaviour suddenly changes, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with your vet as well as with a local positive reinforcement trainer.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Biting?

A key way to help prevent dog bites is to remember that dogs are individuals. Not every dog is going to be comfortable in every situation. As a dog owner, it’s important to be aware of your dog’s comfort in different situations. Help your dog be successful by proactively removing your dog from the stressful or overstimulating situation before your dog might feel a need to escalate to biting.

For example, if your dog is nervous about meeting people or dogs, avoid putting your dog into situations where it will be forced or expected to interact with other dogs or people. Not every dog is going to be super social, but by working with a trainer you can learn more about what situations make your dog uncomfortable. 

Through training, you can gain skills to work within your dog’s comfort level. This will help your dog to work toward developing neutral responses to the presence of other dogs and/or people.

1. Avoid Punishing

If your dog growls, snaps, or even bites you, it can feel tempting to want to punish the behaviour. Unfortunately, not only is this confusing to your dog, but it is likely to make the situation worse. A growl or air snap without making contact is a dog’s natural way of warning that they are extremely uncomfortable or overwhelmed by a situation.

If your dog is punished for growling expressing discomfort or displeasure, you may increase the likelihood of a dog bite occurring in the future. This is because your dog has learned that they shouldn’t warn (by growling or snapping) and may instead go directly to a bite response when uncomfortable.

2. Consult From A Dog Trainer

Working with an experienced positive reinforcement trainer is always a good idea to get a better idea with an understanding of both what is normal mouthing behaviour and what is cause for concern. Similarly, if your dog has begun lunging, growling, or seems uncomfortable or stressed in different situations, it’s a good time to make contact with a professional dog trainer.

A positive reinforcement trainer will be able to help you with understanding your dog’s behaviour, and how to help you to set your dog up for success and avoid putting your dog into situations that are over the threshold for them. This might mean giving your dog a safe spot away from the action or avoiding letting your dog off-leash. 

Your trainer can also help your dog build new associations with situations that are scary, stressful, or overwhelming so that they don’t feel a need to resort to biting.

 3. Avoid Crushing

Exposing your dog to prolonged or large amounts of things that scare or overwhelm them. It’s an approach that is generally anxiety-producing for dogs and doesn’t do anything to shift your dog’s emotional response to the situation they find overwhelming. In these situations, it is more likely your dog will respond to being overwhelmed/overstimulated by biting.

Your dog’s comfort or tolerance for stimulating or stressful situations might shift depending on the degree of stress they are experiencing, how tired they are, as they age, or how unfamiliar a situation might be. For example, if you have a dog who hasn’t had anyone come into the home for the last year and suddenly you have a big birthday party, remember that people suddenly coming into the home could be overwhelming.