7 Bad Food Combinations You Must Avoid Completely

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Adding a teaspoon of ghee over the meal gives

1. Blood sugars in check

2. Improves heart health

3. Helps cut that extra fat

But if you are having this meal with your curd then better watch out, Ayurveda states that both ghee and curd are superfoods in themselves but the combination of both of them is heavy that sits like a pile of bricks on the digestive system. Having curd and ghee together is a sure-shot recipe to slow down your metabolism, making you lazy and lethargic.

If you are having a problem losing weight, see if you are consuming these two foods together. Therefore, next time you sit to eat, top your meal with desi ghee or take curd. Since curd should not be consumed post-sunset, keep it for breakfast or lunch and add ghee for dinner.


red tomato beside green cucumber

Salad before a meal is the choice of health consciousness. And no matter where you go, tomato and cucumber are two common ingredients of any salad. However, if you often consume tomato and cucumber together, Ayurveda advises you to stop doing so.

The digestive system may work abnormally when tomato and cucumber are absorbed together which results in gas and bloating. Eating them together is like putting water and petrol on fire at the same time. So, the next time you make that plate of salad, choose one of the two.


dried fish

Does having fish and milk cause white patches or is it a myth passed on from generation?

Well, considering the lack of modern studies, this might be debatable. But from an Ayurvedic perspective, fish and milk are highly incompatible and a definite no. Milk and fish are both concentrated protein sources, but since their composition is poles apart, they require different kinds of enzymes to digest.

This creates an overload on the digestive system making the blood acidic. Now, this might instigate skin allergies in people with sensitive skin. So Ayurvedic practitioners strictly condemn the combination of milk and fish.


Eating some peanuts instantly triggers one’s thirst. Yet, we are advised to never drink water after having peanuts. Is it a misbelief or is there a reason behind it? Not one but two. Peanuts are rich in oils, And as per ayurveda oil and water don’t go well. Try adding water to any oil.

It hardly combines. Consuming water after having nuts or foods with too much oil content in them may lead to the deposition of fat in the food pipe, resulting in respiratory irritation and coughing. Also, when water is gulped down after having peanuts it extinguishes the fire inside our digestive system to digest the food. So, the next time you enjoy peanuts, remind yourself to keep a gap of at least 20 minutes.


Do you often suffer from skin problems? Checkout out this incompatible food combination in your diet. Bhujia with a glass of milk, having milk just after a salty meal, making dough with milk, and using milk as a base for various savoury curries. This list is long. According to Ayurveda, this antagonistic food combination produces toxins that block the body's subtle channels.

It makes the blood impure which is why scriptures consider this combination to be among the main culprits behind skin problems. Although salt can be combined with milk products like curd, butter, buttermilk, cheese, and paneer, not milk, cream, or malai. Always keep a gap of 30 minutes at least.


Is Chinese fried rice your go-to meal? Or do you like eating sirke Wale pyaaz with rice? Or some vinegar-based pickle with rice? Well, Ayurveda has bad news for you. Rice and vinegar are virus achaar i.e. incompatible food combinations according to Ayurvedic scriptures.

Both rice and vinegar have antagonistic properties towards each other. When combined, they tend to increase the toxic overbed on the liver. So, Lemon juice should be used as a substitute for vinegar. Replace it and make your body take a sigh of relief.


Are you drinking good wali chai to avoid the harmful effects of refined sugar? Well, there is more to it.

No doubt, Jaggery is considered a treasure trove of medicinal properties in Ayurveda. But when it is mixed with milk, its qualities of it change. You can experiment with this. The milk curdles when jaggery is added to hot milk. This combination weakens digestion.

Why invite stomach problems like indigestion, gas, and acidity when there are much better substitutes available? Next time you wish to sweeten milk use jaggery powder, thread mishri powder, or desi khand but avoid jaggery. This strengthens the bodily tissues and calms the mind. No wonder, our grandma used to give milk with desi shakkar. 

Final Words

So these were those 7 wrong food combinations which according to Ayurveda are best avoided. Now, you might come across someone who would say that I eat many of these wrong food combinations regularly, and still have no problems. Does Ayurveda have an answer to this?

Yes. It says that one who is young or has a high digestive fire might not experience the harmful effects of these combinations. Although if carried on, it can negatively show up at later stages.

Written By: Saloni

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