Hidayat - Modeling Can Indeed Offer a Stable Income, Especially When Approached Strategically (Designer /Model From Kashmir)

Building a strong professional network, honing your skills, and staying updated with industry trends are key factors in achieving financial stability as a model.

1. Tell us about your background and journey into the world of modeling

Well, my name is Hidayat, and I'm from Kashmir. My journey into modeling began with a deep passion for fashion and design. I used to experiment with clothing designs, often trying them on myself. 

However, societal concerns held me back for a while. It was only a few months ago that I mustered the courage to start posting regularly and pursuing my modeling dreams.

2. How did you start modeling?

I started my journey into modeling with small steps, primarily leveraging social media platforms. Initially, it was about sharing my personal fashion experiments and showcasing my unique style. Over time, as I gained confidence and received positive feedback, I began to actively engage with the modeling community. 

This involved collaborating with photographers, participating in local fashion events, and networking with industry professionals. Each opportunity further fueled my passion for modeling and encouraged me to pursue this path wholeheartedly.

3. Is modeling a financially stable career?

Modeling can indeed offer a stable income, especially when approached strategically. While it's true that the industry can be competitive and unpredictable, successful models often have a diversified income stream. 

This includes runway shows, photo shoots, brand endorsements, and even social media partnerships. Building a strong professional network, honing your skills, and staying updated with industry trends are key factors in achieving financial stability as a model.

4. How did your family support you in this field?

My family has been incredibly supportive of my modeling aspirations. Initially, there were concerns and hesitations, given the societal perceptions surrounding the industry. However, their unconditional love and belief in my abilities helped alleviate any doubts. 

They encouraged me to pursue my passion wholeheartedly, providing emotional support and practical guidance along the way. Their unwavering support has been a cornerstone of my journey in the modeling world.

5. What is your advice for future aspiring models?

For aspiring models, my advice is multifaceted. Firstly, believe in yourself and your unique abilities. Confidence is key in this competitive industry. Secondly, continuously work on improving your skills and staying updated with the latest fashion trends. 

Thirdly, don't shy away from networking and building professional relationships. Collaborating with photographers, designers, and fellow models can open doors to new opportunities. Lastly, remember that resilience is crucial. Rejections are part of the journey, but staying persistent and learning from each experience will ultimately lead to success.

6. Which is your favorite model, and why?

While I don't have a singular favorite model, I deeply admire Fabian Arnold for several reasons. His versatile style, ability to adapt to different fashion genres, and dedication to his craft are truly inspiring. Additionally, his philanthropic efforts and advocacy for inclusivity in the fashion industry make him a role model for aspiring models like myself.


This is Hidayat. He is a model. He is from Kashmir.

Interviewed by - Ashmeet Kaur

Edited by- Arunangshu Chatterjee