Is This A Man’s World?

Though assumed in a lot of different ways, Gen Z seems to try to neutralize everything and split the credit in equity regardless of who actually deserves credit and who doesn't. Free riders are on the rise, and the fight to stop them looks like a losing battle.

man's world, differences in love, patriarchy, it's a man's world

But this is not about the comparison or fight for power between men and women. In fact, each has a stake in the development that has taken place throughout modern history, and credit distribution and recognition shall not discriminate in any way.

That being said, a large chunk of everything is in the ownership of men through the likes of creation, innovation, and sustainability. Until a certain while back, their pride couldn’t be stolen or stripped away from them for the things they’d accomplished.

Basically, the opportunities created for everyone are done by mostly men, and it’s hard to deny that fact. Unlike today, this was used as an excuse to oppress the other significant gender in terms of dominance and superiority.

Who Are The Controllers?

It’s not like an illuminati or anything, as they are unknown to the common masses. This is more of a question of whose hand the world’s in, and is it absolute control or the control that is needed to hold a structure created steady enough to function smoothly?

Throughout history, human resources have taken shape in men, and women have had very little to do with directly contributing to it, although without them, it would have been impossible to succeed at anything.

The system built is vastly because of men in almost every field, and it is also controlled by them for the most part. But the question here is, are they the only controllers, or has the paradigm shifted to women’s favor?

Well, it is difficult to tell, really, because a lot of efforts are being made to allocate and kind of distribute power among everyone equally for the sole sake of equality and equity.

Although in some areas the remote is in men’s hands, the batteries are out and are with nobody. It has yet to come to women, as progressivity is still on a steep path.

The Accomplishments Begs A Different Question

The greatest conquerors did do a great deal of things, nevertheless, it was a man’s world back then, but modern history has taken one hell of a turn, especially in the 20th century.

One of the sharpest minds to play a major role in making possible the one giant leap for mankind is Madam Margaret Hamilton, regarded as one of the greatest software engineers ever, who led the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Laboratory Instrumentation.

The Apollo mission’s brain and backbone was this woman, and there is no denying that this is one of humanity's greatest achievements.

In contradiction, we’re missing the point here, this wouldn’t have been possible without men in the first place, if you know what I mean.

The Fight Against The System

After all the things men have done and have been doing, it has troubled women in some way. Which is why many widely renowned female revolutionaries have fought or are fighting patriarchy and all that is going against them in the slightest.

Not just patriarchy, but also their freedom, which is being prisoned without free will.

Upon critical thinking, one could say that these revolutionaries are completely valid from their standpoint, but comparing achievements based on gender cannot resemble a utopian, equally distributed society.

The entirety of the system was built by men, and now the sufferers are both men and women, but mostly women because of the system’s nature.

Differences In Treatment

Let’s change direction for a moment here and take a look at some obvious yet ponderable aspects that make an outcome of the sort, such as a man’s world.

The thing that hasn’t changed even a bit, even through modernity, is the disproportionate treatment of men and women. Without further elaboration, it’s known that men are indoctrinated to take the lead and do everything necessary to keep the structure from falling apart.

Differences in love and way of life are too significant of a factor to throw away in this discussion. The taste of attachment is often missed out on by men, and this makes them venture out into the wild, giving them the keys to unlocking the treasures.

Final Thoughts

This breakdown will lead nowhere if one still doesn’t get the idea of it. It is, in a way, safe to say that it is still a man’s world with far greater accommodation for women as opposed to men.

The sabotaging of self is sort of required to give them the way, or else it would be a tiresome task for them to make a mark with all the odds against them. So, are men at fault for this?

Written By L.A.Adithya

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